Home » Let’s show off a bright smile with these 5 methods to whiten yellowed teeth

Let’s show off a bright smile with these 5 methods to whiten yellowed teeth

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We know how important dental health is, not only to avoid physical pain but also economically. The more we take care of our teeth, the less we will have to spend in the future at the dentist, who always has very high bills.

In addition to the health factor, there is also the aesthetic factor: our teeth and our smile are a business card. Having nice aligned teeth and a nice white color gives you confidence and self-confidence.

The genetics of teeth and how to whiten them naturally

Like the color of the skin, also for the teeth there are genetic factors regarding their color. Some people are more prone to yellowing of the enamel and discoloration of the teeth than others.

In addition, there are daily factors, such as the intake of drinks such as tea, coffee and the habit of smoking, which greatly worsen the situation. Let’s first see how we can reduce this consumption of substances that damage the enamel of our teeth and what solutions we can implement.

If we show a bright smile with these 5 methods to whiten yellowed teeth we will not need the dentist. A cleaning and whitening is always very expensive. So there are effective alternative ways to practice alone, let’s see which ones.

Let’s show off a bright smile with these 5 methods to whiten yellowed teeth

We take baking soda and hydrogen peroxide which is a strong antibacterial agent. Combining the two will result in a homogeneous compound like toothpaste.

A good habit that seems trivial but is not, is to always brush your teeth as soon as you have eaten or drunk. So let’s remember to always carry a toothbrush with us. This will prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth and consequently any yellowing due to the presence of these bacterial agents.

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Two valid natural helpers to disinfect the mouth

Coconut oil is a cure-all due to its antifungal properties as explained in this article. A teaspoon of this oil in the mouth is enough to cleanse the area and remove too many bacteria. We can also put some on our toothbrush and just wash with coconut oil.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antibiotic and is great for the health of your teeth and gums. Due to its slightly acidic formulation, we also use natural toothpaste or the bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide compound to rinse.

Fruits and vegetables to clean your teeth naturally

Eating certain types of vegetables and fruits helps us remove bits of food that remain between our teeth. Celery, apples, carrots and strawberries for example. Strawberries, thanks to vitamin C and other enzymes, are excellent as protection for teeth and gums. Rubbing one or two on the dental arch helps us maintain good hygiene and avoid yellowing.

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