Home » Many do not know how to prevent and relieve the discomfort of invalid back pain

Many do not know how to prevent and relieve the discomfort of invalid back pain

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According to the World Health Organization, back pain is the leading cause of disability in the world. The reasons for it can be different and more or less serious. The former occur in the case of: fractures, infections, neoplasms, pathologies of internal organs, arthritis and deformities. Other times, the pathologies can be specific, as happens in the case of discopathies, disc hernias, scoliosis. Most of the time, the problem of posture is also associated with them. However, in most cases, back pain can be traced back to an overload of the spine.

In this case, we speak of: low back pain or back pain, depending on the part of the back affected by the discomfort. So, when there is no pathology, it means that the load we are giving to the back is excessive. Many jobs, in fact, force a sedentary life, therefore to sit for a long time. This implies adopting a highly stressful position for the spine. The problem is that many do not know how to prevent and relieve the discomfort of invalid back pain.

Prevent and relieve

Here, we will provide useful information on how to prevent and relieve back pain. First of all, to keep it healthy, regular exercise is among the most effective prevention strategies. This is because practicing various sports activities daily develops the back muscles. In addition, it helps to release the mechanical stress and part of the accumulated anxiety. Another important aspect to consider is posture. For the purpose of pain prevention, we need to vary it frequently, alternating between sitting and standing.

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Then, we must try to take short breaks in which we get up from the session to walk. This helps not to overload the back, preventing problems later on. The third aspect concerns the lifting of loads. Very often it happens to force on the back and not on the legs and knees. In these situations, it is necessary not to bend the back excessively forward, thus avoiding a series of trauma and discomfort.

Many do not know how to prevent and relieve the discomfort of invalid back pain

Provide the essential information needed to prevent back pain, now let’s see how we can relieve it once it has arisen. In the acute phase of pain, we can use analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs, or resort to physiotherapy, local infiltrative therapy, physical therapies, etc. However, it is essential to make a correct diagnosis in order to choose the most suitable therapeutic solution. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist. All this, also to evaluate the use of surgery, which in some cases could serve to improve the situation. In fact, it represents a further therapeutic tool to be used when other therapies are ineffective.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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