Home » Many underestimate mouth ulcers without knowing they could be a sign of cancer

Many underestimate mouth ulcers without knowing they could be a sign of cancer

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Aphthae are very annoying lesions that can occur on the palate, cheeks, tongue or on the base of the gums. They appear as small oval or round excoriations, with a white inner part and a red border.

They occur one at a time, or in series, mainly due to psychophysical stress. Other causes may appear after contact with dirty objects. Or as a result of hormonal imbalances, injuries due to too vigorous use of the toothbrush or gastrointestinal pathologies.

Many underestimate mouth ulcers without knowing they could be a sign of cancer

These mouth sores should resolve spontaneously within 1 to 2 weeks. If, on the other hand, they persist over time without healing, they could be the alarm bell of oral cancer. According to the AIRC Foundation, in Italy there are 4,500 new cases diagnosed every year, with about 3,000 deaths. This cancer affects about 3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with a higher incidence in the male population.

Who risks more

The main risk factors for mouth cancer are smoking or chewing tobacco, alcohol consumption, and poor oral hygiene. In other cases, they could occur as a result of internal trauma to the mouth, due, for example, to the incorrect positioning of dental prostheses.

95% of oral cancers arise after age 40, peaking after age 70. The most affected area of ​​the mouth is the tongue, with an incidence of about 30%; lip cancer follows with an 11% incidence.

Prevention is important

Oral cancer could be successfully treated if recognized early. In fact, the cure rates drop significantly due to diagnostic delays. This is mainly due to the fact that many underestimate symptoms such as canker sores in the mouth, without knowing that they could be a sign of cancer.

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We must not immediately panic when we realize we have a canker sore, because, as we said before, the causes can be various. If, however, this disorder continues, these small, reddish-white lesions or ulcers should not be overlooked. It is important to have a dental visit at least once a year, especially after the age of 60. The latter will be used to monitor the health of the teeth and mucous membranes, especially in subjects with life-styles at risk.

Healing, therefore, depends on the general condition of the patient and the spread of the tumor. The main advice is to change your lifestyle, quit smoking and limit your alcohol consumption.


Few people know that the abuse of this drug could cause serious dental problems.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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