Home » Mental health, the alarm of the former directors of Trieste: “This is how they cancel the Basaglia model”

Mental health, the alarm of the former directors of Trieste: “This is how they cancel the Basaglia model”

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The internal CANDIDATE, already acting as director, has the highest score per curriculum. But two outsiders, after the oral, overtake him and point to the direction of the Mental Health Center 1 in Trieste, the city of the revolution of Franco Basaglia, inspirer of the law 180 and the closure of asylums. A ‘singular’ ranking, before the appointment of a Sardinian or a Lombard professional can become reality, Roberto Mezzina, Franco Perazza, Renzo Bonn, Mauro Asquini, Angelo Cassin, former directors of the mental health departments of Trieste, Gorizia, Udine, Alto Friuli and Pordenone, also worried about a similar story in Pordenone.

How psychiatry should be in the footsteps of Basaglia

by Francesco Cro

“All those who trained at the Basaglian school – they denounce in a letter – have been penalized or excluded, despite years of commitment to much better services and curriculum, to the benefit of candidates, often unknown, who come from outside the region. he thought that even in Friuli Venezia Giulia the spoils system reached managerial positions, in which skills and value orientation are fundamental and decisive “.

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The premise is that “after the numerous retirements, the management of the structures, even of the Departments, had been entrusted to executives acting or with top positions often entrusted to override several services”. At the same time, the former directors continue, “the competitions for the directions of the mental health centers have been suspended, which obviously they want to reduce. In the Udinese area, not a single one has been filled out of six primary positions, while in the Giuliano Isontina area there are four gaps in the apical position “.

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Psychiatry, an exhibition on the protagonists of law 180


However, the competitions have restarted unexpectedly. The appointment of the Treviso-born in Pordenone is on 27 April Massimo Semenzin, since 2010 at the head of the Psychiatric Service of Feltre and until a month ago acting director of the Ulss Dolomiti Department of Mental Health. While in Trieste the appointment of one of the first three in the ranking is expected following the oral exam organized in recent days in Monfalcone. In first place a Sardinian candidate, in second a psychiatrist who worked in Brescia and Trentino, in third a professional from the area. Preventively, “but without wanting to force their hand”, Mezzina points out, the former regional directors convey the fear that they intend to “entrust our services to psychiatrists completely alien to these, by now consolidated, avant-garde experiences, and which instead come from backward situations, wards that are often closed and that use restraint, which in short propose outdated outpatient or hospitalization models instead of treatment and reintegration programs that meet the needs of people with mental disorders. These self-harming choices – the letter continues – are harmful not only for the current system, but for the citizens, and lead the way in the dismantling of the best services created by the psychiatric reform after the asylums, causing that impoverishment and inefficiency of the public service that throughout Italy open spaces to the private ” .

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A paradox in a time of pandemic: “With Covid, the already dramatic situation of lack of resources and services for mental health has worsened further throughout Italy. Inaccessible mental health centers, contraction and even suspension of home activity, reduction of voluntary work and social cooperatives “. But a paradox also in the light of the worldwide launch, next June 10 by the WHO, of a 200-page document in which the Trieste model, “become regional”, like the French Lille and the Brazilian Campinas, will appear as ” overall system of excellence “in community mental health services. Among other things, Mezzina recalls, “Lille and Campinas are two experiences that refer to Trieste. The Brazilian law of 2001 created the Caps, Psychosocial Attention Centers, also with beds based on the Trieste model. And in Lille he works from a decade Massimo Marsili, psychiatrist of the city team “. And therefore, the Basaglians conclude, “the citizens must be involved and restart from a strong alliance of users, families, professionals, services, putting together the experiences of yesterday and today before the breakdowns are irreparable and the huge accumulated heritage is dispersed. in 50 years of experience. Freedom is therapeutic, it has been said and argued: it is a right, the greatest, for human beings, which Basaglia has given back to all Italians, closing the asylums and changing the law. this only services, and we avoid that the mental health of the region, with Covid, definitively disappears from the radar, with serious damage for everyone “.

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How psychiatry should be in the footsteps of Basaglia

by Francesco Cro

The health authority of Venezia Giulia does not comment. To reply is the regional health councilor Riccardo Riccardi: “I think that all psychiatry refers to Franco Basaglia, the father of a new culture. To attribute the definition of Basagliano seems to me an act of great presumption”. And again: “Judgments are given on the basis of qualifications, and I do not think it is entitled to be Basagliano. I would recommend everyone to respect procedures that are in relation to the choices that a healthcare company will legitimately make and, in any case, I consider very serious that a letter tries to influence a competition “.

Psychiatry, an exhibition on the protagonists of law 180



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