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Naples, 7 proposals from hospital doctors for the NHS – Campania

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Naples, 7 proposals from hospital doctors for the NHS – Campania

From salaries to training-work contracts for trainees

(ANSA) – NAPLES, JUN 26 – Improving working conditions in hospitals; increase wages; to give a new legal status to the health management and to introduce the training / work contract for trainees. Then proceed with the recruitment, complete the law on professional responsibility and assume the employment contract as a tool for innovation of the system. These are, in short, the proposals of the Anaao Assomed hospital doctors’ union to make Italian health care take a leap forward and “against the crisis of the National Health Service”. These were presented by the outgoing national secretary Carlo Palermo, in his report at the 25th Congress of the union which opened today in Naples.

According to Anaao “anyone who wants to relaunch public health” must understand that “not just money, not just cement and technology, but the value of work and skills are fundamental for the development of a complex system such as health” and that ” the essential levels of LEA assistance are doctors, their skills and knowledge “. Anaao has therefore come up with a 7-point plan to reverse the trend, starting with improving the conditions of hospital work and building a system “which privileges professional values ​​over organizational and corporate values, even for the career.” . For the trade union, it is also necessary to “reform the legal status of the medical and health management, in the name of ‘special’ management”, strengthening its autonomy and enhancing it also through forms of participation in organizational and operational models.

Anaao is also asking for wages to be increased and for contractual increases and ancillary wages to be de-taxed.


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