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«No to excesses and laziness»

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«No to excesses and laziness»

The Great Forgotten. The brain, the organ that controls thoughts, memory and language, the functioning of all other organs, is the most neglected. As if its operation did not foresee damage or sudden stops. A serious mistake, we have to take care of the brain day after day and keep it under control with tests and screenings before disabling pathologies arise. This is the starting point for MoltoSalute, the Thursday insert on newsstands with Il Messaggero and with the other newspapers of the Caltagirone group (Il Gazzettino, Il Mattino, Corriere Adriatico, Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia). “It is important to constantly practice sport and follow a correct diet”, recommends Fabrizio Piras, psychologist and researcher at the Neuropsychiatry laboratory at the Santa Lucia Irccs Foundation in Rome – Also pay attention to hearing and depression”. The diet to follow for the prevention of brain pathologies includes fibres, fermented foods, omega 3 and polyphenols. Giulio Maira, professor of Neurosurgery at Humanitas in Milan: «To preserve good cognitive abilities until old age, excesses, alcohol and cannabis abuse, addiction to hi-tech and also both physical and mental laziness must be avoided. If we want the mind to stay young, constant effort is needed».

The point on Covid and the flu: there are almost 500 thousand Italians in bed with flu-like syndromes and the shots of the coronavirus exacerbate the symptoms and prolong the disease. The monthly focus on pathology talks about the effects of spring on the stomach. In this season, inflammatory diseases flare up and the production of hydrochloric acid increases. Antonio Gasbarrini, director of the Gemelli Digestive System Disease Center: «Those who are stressed and suffer from allergies are at greater risk of gastritis. Ban alcohol and smoking, if necessary resort to antacid drugs and if even these are not effective and gastric reflux persists, proton pump inhibitors must be taken for a cycle ».

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Fight against obesity, an increasingly widespread chronic disease in Italy, due to incorrect diet and sedentary lifestyle. Alfredo Genco, professor of Surgery at La Sapienza: “If diet and drugs don’t work, we evaluate the use of bariatric surgery”. And to feel good, five steps in the thermal water, to hydrate and heal body and mind. All the secrets of medicinal plants, which have experienced a real boom with the pandemic. And the benefits of coffee that taken in the right doses, and with a little sugar, is a real panacea.

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