Home » Not many people know that with mussels we take this beneficial vitamin which could prevent atherosclerosis

Not many people know that with mussels we take this beneficial vitamin which could prevent atherosclerosis

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Unless you study medicine or biology and therefore have an excellent knowledge of the components present in food, it is difficult for you to know all the characteristics of a food.

Usually, in fact, what makes us choose one ingredient rather than another has to do with the type of recipe we want to make. Whether it’s a matter of taste or simply the cheapest cost. Yet, inquiring about which foods have beneficial properties for our health and our family certainly won’t do any harm.


As long as you inquire using the right sources and make sure that what you have learned about a particular food is true and scientifically proven, discovering the benefits of the ingredients, as we said, is very useful.

The important thing, however, as in all situations in life, is to try to find a balance and, therefore, be careful to take that food in moderation. The exaggeration, in fact, will never lead to anything good, even if that particular ingredient continent components that are beneficial for the organism.

Not many people know that with mussels we take this beneficial vitamin which could prevent atherosclerosis

After having made this necessary premise, we can deepen the topic relating to the benefits that a certain ingredient can bring to our body. The truth, however, is that there are many healthy foods and potentially capable of helping us stay healthy. Precisely in this regard, in fact, a few weeks ago we saw how not only cabbage but also this vegetable has antioxidants and can help prevent tumors.

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Today, however, we are going to reveal the presence of an extremely important nutrient inside mussels, and for various reasons. In fact, not many people know that with mussels we take this beneficial vitamin that could prevent atherosclerosis. Let’s see what it is.

We refer to the very important vitamin b12. Although many believe it is present only in foods such as red meats, liver and kidneys, this vitamin is also part of the structure of shellfish. Consequently, obviously also some tasty mussels, which contain 24 micrograms per hundred grams of product.

As widely explained by the Veronesi Foundation, there are several fields in which it is possible to take advantage of the intake of this vitamin. It is also interesting to note that there are ongoing studies that hypothesize a possible preventive role in the onset of a serious vascular disease such as atherosclerosis.

Although a single conclusion has not yet been reached, this vitamin is often used precisely with a preventive purpose against this condition. For this reason, without ever exaggerating in quantities and listening to the advice of a doctor as always before, we could integrate mussels into our diet more often.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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