Home » Not only phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the brain but also this vitamin which would help keep it young and healthy

Not only phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the brain but also this vitamin which would help keep it young and healthy

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We always think with pleasure of grandmothers who invited us to eat fish and bananas to strengthen the brain. “You have to grow in the head and not just in the body”, they told us. And, fish and bananas in the collective imagination represented the top for taking potassium and phosphorus. Today, food science has made great strides, showing us all the useful foods to fill up on nutrients. But, if we want our brain to remain active, in addition to physical and mental activities, we should remember the diet. Not just phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the brain because we could help keep it young and healthy with this vitamin too.

The “macromineral” of health

Phosphorus is technically called “macromineral”, because it is essential not only for quality, but also for quantity. Without it, our body would be deprived of a basic element of daily health. This mineral serves forever: from birth to death. Soon also explained why: it would serve to strengthen bones and teeth. Not to mention, as science points out, that it would be part of the nutrient team that feeds and sustains our DNA. Not a small thing.

Fortunately for us, as it is basic, phosphorus is present in many daily foods:

  • from white and red meat to legumes;
  • from milk to its main derivatives, such as cheeses;
  • from eggs to cereals.

A human being would need about 13 mg of phosphorus per day for every kg of weight.

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Not only phosphorus and potassium to strengthen the brain but also this vitamin which would help keep it young and healthy

And, if phosphorus would contribute to the general well-being of the body, together with sporting activity, vitamin B6 would not be outdone. Let’s say immediately that, like phosphorus, we often find it on our table: meat, fruit, fish, potatoes and many other vegetables abound.

We could truly define vitamin B6 as the protagonist of scientific studies for the brain. More and more theories tested in the laboratory that would demonstrate how this substance would guarantee an aid against brain aging. There is another important and interesting reason why medical research focuses on this vitamin. Its deficiency in our body often manifests itself with very “modern” symptoms such as:

  • anxiety and stress;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy and chronic weakness;
  • mood swings.

This is why, going on a diet, without medical advice, could become more dangerous than productive, exposing us, without knowing it, to important food and nutrient deficiencies.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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