Home » Omicron variant, how to distinguish it from a cold even without a tampon: the decisive symptoms

Omicron variant, how to distinguish it from a cold even without a tampon: the decisive symptoms

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But I have a cold or I got the dreaded one variante Omicron? Given the recent boom in infections, there will be many who are asking this question, and making a swab, between rows and shortages, is not always easy. So, how can we calm down?

Assuming that only the swab (possibly molecular), gives the certainty of the diagnosis, a recent study published in the United States listed three symptoms that indicate differences that could make us understand what awaits us, if they are suffering from the Omicron variant rather than a cold.

Most likely, the study says, with fever (rare in colds), total loss of taste and smell, a very strong and abnormal headache, it is Covid.

Another particular ailment occurs during the REM phase of sleep. Omicron is a variant that differs greatly from the others, not only in its contagiousness (higher) and its effects which at the moment seem less dangerous, but also for its symptoms which generally make it much more similar to a common flu with ailments related mainly to the throat and not to the lungs.

The new symptom was particularly seen in some patients in the UK and was referred to as a “terrifying” sleep paralysis. The British Health Service also spoke about it, explaining that “sleep paralysis is when you cannot move or speak while you wake up or fall asleep”. This symptom, as the Mirror also reported, occurs “when a person cannot move their muscles because they are in sleep mode while the brain is active. It can affect people at any stage of sleep and sometimes even cause hallucinations such as sensation that someone is pushing you down. “

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Still controversy over rapid tampons

«The molecular swab done at the right time has a sensitivity of identifying the positive subject close to 95/97%. The antigenic or rapid, in the best of situations, has a sensitivity of around 70%, when the quality of the product drops, the sensitivity reaches 50%. We are using many quick swabs that have a very very low reliability in identifying positive subjects, some equal to the toss of a coin. This will create problems ». The president of the Gimbe Foundation Nino Cartabellotta explained this to Rtl 102.5.

“When there are such high numbers – he continued – it is very difficult to be able to carry out all the standard procedures in all people. One thing I recommend is that the vaccinated person, if he is well and if he is asymptomatic, does not do the swab periodically. There has been a perhaps excessive rush to swabs during the Christmas period, inevitably this is also saturating the problem of testing. “

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