Home » Orange juice, a panacea for the summer: the benefits for the body and how to consume it

Orange juice, a panacea for the summer: the benefits for the body and how to consume it

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Orange juice, a panacea for the summer: the benefits for the body and how to consume it

Orange juice is the perfect drink for the summer, a beneficial product for the body to be consumed frequently.

He is recommended as a hunger breaker, for his property and also for the direct benefits it has on the body at any time of the year.

The juice is made in a few minutes, you can carry it around in a practical bottle or to use in the morning for breakfast, it is an alternative to fruit juices and is good for young and old.

Orange juice: because it’s good for the body

This drink is rich in vitamin C, and it is also very much thirst quencher, it’s delicious and tasty and helps the immune system fight the signs of aging. It also helps prevent cancer and helps the body eliminate toxins on a daily basis. The benefits must certainly be attributed to the vitamins, mineral salts and fibres. In particular: vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, folic acid, potassium, fiber, protein, copper, magnesium, flavonoids and hesperidin.

Orange juice, the benefits (tantasalute.it)

Orange is a winter fruit, not summer, the perfect period is until March but they can practically be found at any time of the year so they are always ideal. Once prepared this must be consumed within a short time, it cannot be put in the fridge for the following days because it loses all its nutritional value. To take full vitamin C actually the best thing is to prepare and drink it instantly. This is volatile and is dispersed in the air, the more time passes and the lower the relative contribution. After 12 hours the orange juice has now dissolved all its propertiesis still good but not for the organism.

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At breakfast it’s fine with coffee and yoghurt but also in the afternoon as a snack. To prepare it, you can use an electric or classic juicer, just don’t eliminate the pulp that is shredded because it is the one that has the greatest value. Thin-skinned oranges are best, especially Tarocco, Moro, Dogwood. You can also combine the orange with another ingredient: perhaps a vegetable, to have a beneficial mix for the body, but it is better not to add sugar because they are naturally sweet.

For short-term storage, place it in fridge in a closed bottle, even if you have to take it to the office for a snack. Can it be frozen? It actually doesn’t make any sense to do it, the best thing is always to drink it fresh. However it has been shown that freezing enhances the antioxidants so if on the one hand there are losses, on the other an improvement.

Attention, those who suffer from irritable bowel or who have stomach problems such as acidity should not consume them every day and therefore always drink orange juice because they risk weighing even more on the apparatus.

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