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Prevent and cure back pain with 2 effective exercises

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The back and spinal column is the supporting base of our body. It is made up of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments and muscles. It has a solid structure but at the same time it is a fragile part subjected to stress and exposed to many ailments. Every day, on average, the spine is subjected to about 2,000 inclinations and movements of all kinds. Let’s see what are the main causes of more or less serious problems and blocks.

General causes of back pain

All kinds of pains and problems can be summarized in 7 different categories:

  • sudden or violent movements that cause sharp pain and blockage in the lower part, which causes low back pain;
  • bad posture when we are sitting in front of a pc on the sofa. These postures compress the intervertebral discs, pull on the ligaments and muscles, creating annoying contractures;
  • crushing of a nerve between two vertebrae that causes pain in the neck and cervical, extending between the shoulder and the arm. Then it radiates in the lumbar part and in the leg, it is the famous sciatica;
  • abnormal and very pronounced curvature of the spine.
  • lack of strong muscles in the back whereby the ligaments are not flexible and cause pain for some movements;
  • wear of the intervertebral discs that no longer perform the function of shock absorbers. It hurts when we are sitting, when we walk, when we sneeze;
  • inflammatory reaction that irritates the nerves in the spine.

Prevent and cure back pain with 2 effective exercises

The solutions that really work for our good are targeted movement and painkillers. Mental and physical relaxation to combat stress are essential for treating back pain.

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In case of sciatica, there are stretches that give relief and that can prevent and treat back pain with 2 effective exercises:

  • sitting on a mat with the buttocks attached to the heels, we stretch the back. We stretch our hands forward as much as possible and stay in this position for a few minutes. Let us get up then stretching the column gently lifting the head as the last;
  • we stretch the thighs, stretching on the back. We use a large scarf that we will put under the soles of the feet to put the legs vertically. We keep the legs as straight as possible and use the scarf to bring the feet forward. We hold this position for 30 seconds, 1 minute maximum.

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