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sausage contaminated with a bacterium

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sausage contaminated with a bacterium

After the maxi recall of noodles due to the salmonella alert, the Ministry of Health reported another 2 food recalls this week.

Supermarket (Pexels)

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The Ministry of Health, in this last week, has carried out two rfood labels important, following which a national alert was triggered. This is microbiological contamination for a batch of pork sausage and natural mineral water.

Food recalls of the week: sausage contaminated with a harmful bacterium

Although in this last week there have only been two food reminders, these are of such a magnitude as to fuel everyone’s alarmism. The Ministry of Health has launched the national alert for a batch of natural mineral water and pork sausage contaminated with bacteria that are very harmful to humans. Specifically, it is:

Water (Pexels)

Italian families are concerned above all by the reference to Guizza water, one of the cheapest brands purchased in discount stores.

Staphylococcus aureus: what it is and why it contaminates

S. aureus has long been recognized as one of the most important bacteria which cause disease in humans. It is the main cause of skin and soft tissue infections, such as abscesses (boils), boils, and cellulitis.

Although most staph infections are not serious, S. aureus can cause serious infections such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia, or bone and joint infections.

Anyone can develop a S. aureus infection, although some groups of people are more likely than others. These include people with conditions such as diabetes, cancer, vascular disease, eczema, lung disease and people who inject drugs.

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Intensive care unit (ICU) patients, patients who have undergone certain types of surgeries, and patients with medical devices inserted into the body, such as central lines and catheters, are at greater risk of more severe S. aureus infection.

People who frequently visit health care facilities and nursing home residents are also at increased risk. S. aureus infections typically manifest on the skin as a sac of pus surrounded by red, painful skin, or cellulitis.

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