Home » Say goodbye to back pain when you wake up with these quick exercises also suitable for over 60s

Say goodbye to back pain when you wake up with these quick exercises also suitable for over 60s

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One of the most common “ailments”, especially from a certain age onwards, is certainly back pain; however, even the youngest are by no means immune to it.

To avoid this annoying problem it is certainly essential to maintain an adequate weight and carry out regular physical activity.

Easy to say, definitely harder to do!

It is in fact increasingly complicated to carve out time for ourselves between work, housework and sometimes well beyond the coveted retirement.

But we can say goodbye to back pain upon waking up with these quick exercises also suitable for over 60s, to be performed while still lying down.

In fact, health can also start from the bed, even before getting up.

Say goodbye to back pain when you wake up with these quick exercises also suitable for over 60s

To get the most from these exercises, it is important to be aware of your breathing while doing them.

It is important to remember to inhale as we return to the starting position and exhale when we feel the muscle bands stretch.

Exercise 1

Supine, belly up we go to flex first one leg and then the other, bringing the knee towards the chest and slowly stretching. Repeat 10/11 times per leg.

Exercise 2

Still on the bed in the supine position but with the legs bent and with the hands stretched along the body, from here we try to lift the buttocks as if to create a bridge. During the exercise, keep your arms outstretched and without straining your neck.

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Exercise 3

Still lying relaxed and with your legs stretched out, perform alternating movements, pulling one foot towards us and pushing the other forward. Repeat about 12 times.

Let’s get up and make a little effort

For those in better shape it is possible to get out of bed and dedicate a few minutes, depending on personal resistance, to these other 3 exercises that activate and strengthen the muscles.

1) Standing with your hands on your hips, alternately raise your knees upward until they form an angle of approximately 90 degrees.

2) Push on your toes and lift your heels off the ground.

3) Do light squats, bending almost to sit on the bed without resting your buttocks. While doing the movement, bring your arms forward, taking care not to go beyond the tip of the foot with the knee.

Obviously the proposed exercises are intended for subjects in good health, so in the presence of particular pathologies it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

For everyone else, consistently dedicating a few minutes a day to performing these simple exercises could really make a difference.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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