Home » Self-harm: when cutting makes you feel “better”. The signals also on the web

Self-harm: when cutting makes you feel “better”. The signals also on the web

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Self-harm: when cutting makes you feel “better”.  The signals also on the web

Not is a minor nuisance. In Europe, around 17.2% of adolescents practice self-harm, 13.4% of young people between 18 and 24 and 13.5% of adults. These are disturbing data, the result of a meta-analysis based on many studies on the subject involving the general population. In Italy, however, the situation is not better, on the contrary. “Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the Italian picture of self-harm reflected these European data, in particular for adolescents cases affected about 17% of young people” explains the professor Serena Borroni, associate of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. «After the lockdown and the various restrictions, however, the situation has significantly worsened. From 2020 to 2021 there was a growth of +10%, particularly among adolescents. Now it is estimated that self-harm affects about 27% of children» explains Professor Borroni.

Because there are so many who cut themselves

We may have to write because so many are self-harming. Also for this problem, in fact, women “won” the first prize. “Definitely the female sex is a risk factor, but non-suicidal self-harm is also widespread among boys. In simpler words, one gets hurt not with the purpose or intent of taking one’s own life (thank goodness! ndr).

But why inflicting pain helps you feel better» explains Professor Borroni. Self-harm, in practice, helps to manage discomfort. To keep it under control. “In the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, non-suicidal self-harm appears as an autonomous mental disorder, which needs further study,” explains Professor Serena Borroni. “It is also true, however, that causing yourself pain or wounds is a transversal symptom, common to other psychological problems”.

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Self-harm as an outlet

cuts, punctures, cigarette burns. But also banging your head against the wall. OR rubbing the skin until it bleeds. These are the most common routes taken by those who choose to give themselves pain, up to bleeding or serious bruising. «Injuring yourself allows you to experience a feeling of relief. Especially in those who experience profound discomfort, such as anger, sadness, strong anxiety, inner tension. Or in any case an emotional cognitive discomfort» clarifies the clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. You experience relief from inner suffering, thanks to the bleeding or pain you have inflicted on yourself. How is it possible? “You move the discomfort from the emotional and psychological level to the physical one and you do it consciously. So it is as if somehow it was possible to manage that malaise, which leads to self-harm actions» concludes Professor Borroni.

An addiction can arise

The fact that self-harm cause relief is a stimulus to repeat the action, even if the arms are filled with cuts and wounds. The moment you experience a strong inner discomfort, what makes you feel better is immediately practiced. Even if “the best” is to end up in the emergency room. “The tendency to repeat acts of self-harm, in the long run, can cause a real addiction, because certain behaviors become the only way that the person has in alleviating his own psychic suffering” concludes Professor Borroni.

Professor Serena Borroni is Associate of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.

Sometimes it starts out of curiosity

Sometimes, one begins to harm oneself by imitation. Especially among the very young it happens that a friend does it and maybe she cuts herself just to experience the same feeling she does. Or because you have seen some web videos. Or even worse because it was decided to participate in some online “challenge”. «If the episode of self-harm is unique, and perhaps the boy or girl spontaneously tells the parents about it, it can be considered non-pathological. However, if you feel that it is not the first or the last, then it is good to be very careful and consult a psychologist who can deal with this problem» concludes the social psychologist.

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Beware of these alarm bells

Long shirts and pants, always. Even in the summer. Arms and legs constantly covered. Bruises that appear for no reason. Refusal to attend swimming pools, gyms or other situations where one has to expose one’s body. These may be the first signs not to be overlooked if you fear that your son or daughter is practicing self-harm. “Boys tend to hide the problembecause they implement a dysfunctional strategy which, however, is useful for them to feel better immediately» explains Professor Borroni. “If in addition to the previous signs, the adolescent has a change in lifestyle, he is much more introverted and is locked up in the bathroom or bedroom even more than usual, then it is important to evaluate the need for specialist intervention” concludes the psychologist social.

Self-harm: the alarm bells and how to intervene

Self-harm does not go away by itself

Surely adolescence is one of the most critical periods in a person’s life. But you can’t confine self-harm to one of the many changes that occur in the transition from puberty to adulthood. «Only a psychologist knows how to evaluate the need and nature of an intervention» explains Professor Borroni. The approach changes according to various factors, first of all the seriousness of the injuries caused. Because, if it is true that the intent of those who practice self-harm is not suicidal, it is also true that, often, they get very hurt. «In the most serious cases, the hospitalization in neuropsychiatryin others instead one may suffice outpatient treatment» clarifies the psychologist.

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How to get out of it

«It is difficult to generalize, because for this disorder as for any other psychological discomfort, targeted therapy is needed. Self-harm is in fact an adaptive behavior. For this the cognitive behavioral therapy it has proved to be very useful in providing alternative strategies» explains the psychologist, author of various research on the subject. In simpler words, the therapist explains to the self-injurer what to do instead of cutting or hurting himself. Teach a recognize sensations and the thoughts that precede the need to self-harm and to manage them, to avoid venting on one’s body. «With the “skill training” in general you have good results already in six months to a yearat least for the resolution of the most damaging symptoms» concludes the psychologist.

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