Home » Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old suffering from heart cancer who has become a symbol of the fight against rare diseases, has died

Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old suffering from heart cancer who has become a symbol of the fight against rare diseases, has died

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She’s dead Sofia Sacchitelli, the 23-year-old Genoese suffering from a rare heart tumor who has become a symbol of the fight against rare diseases. The young woman had in fact founded an association- “Sophia in the Heart” – with the aim of raising funds to finance research on the evil that has struck her. In recent weeks there had been a great mobilization to support this mission and Sofia herself had personally committed herself to speaking of her illness in public, explaining that she was aware that she had no hope of life but wanted to help any other sick people.

The 23-year-old Genoese was in the fifth year of the Faculty of Medicine. A cardiac angiosarcoma, a rare heart tumor that reveals itself in 2-3 cases per million inhabitants, did not give her a chance. Even the football clubs Genoa and Sampdoria have recently supported the fundraising for the non-profit organization “Sofia nel cuore”.

On the occasion of 8 March, International Women’s Day, Sofia’s sister, Ilaria, had taken part in the non-stop marathon organized by the Liguria Region, recounting her sister’s commitment, offering her testimony as a woman and talking about the work she the sister carried on.

The 23-year-old had also recently received the gold medal of merit from the University of Genoa. During a ceremony, Sofia – connected to the great hall of the University where her classmates had gathered – had recounted the central points of her association, which in addition to scientific purposes also has that of helping patients in the quality of life and accompany them in the difficult moment of the diagnosis, and he then gave a “Lectio Magistralis” during which he analyzed his illness.

Messages of condolence – “We will remember you with a smile on your face and the courage of those who know how to transform difficulties into solidarity and hope for others. Goodbye Sofia – the president of the Liguria Region wrote in a note
John Toti -. All of Genoa and Liguria are praying for you today and clinging to your family, your friends, those who love you and will carry on the journey you started”.

“Goodbye to Sofia Sacchitelli, the young Genoese student who had courageously recounted her illness by founding the “Sofia nel cuore” association. A way to raise funds to help doctors study the very rare heart tumor that had struck her and find a cure. His legacy and tenacity will never be forgotten, have a good trip Sofia”. The mayor of Genoa writes it in a note
Marco Bucci.

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