Home » Sports diet, essential vitamins: which foods contain them

Sports diet, essential vitamins: which foods contain them

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Sports diet, essential vitamins: which foods contain them

By sportsman’s diet we mean the diet to be maintained in order to give the best during sport. In this context there are some essential vitamins: let’s find out together in which foods they are contained.

Woman doing sports (sisant from Pixabay)


Fare sport without following anPower supply adequate is like drinking from an empty glass. These are two factors that are closely connected and indispensable to each other. In this area, the fundamental roles are played vitamins: we are talking about molecules necessary for the growth, well-being and efficiency of the internal organism. They are mainly introjected into our body through the nutrition (except for vitamin D which is produced through sun exposure). They can also play a lot functions: some protect the heart, others the respiratory tract, some eyes, hair and teeth, still others strengthen the immune system. Today, however, let’s find out what they are essential vitamins for the athlete’s diet analyzing which foods contain them.

The essential vitamins for the athlete’s diet: which foods contain them?

sports food vitamins
Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables (idornbrach from Pixabay)

We obviously start from the first, the vitamin A. It is essential for the well-being of bones and teeth, raises the defenses of the immune system, fights free radicals (avoiding serious pathologies for the body such as tumors or arthritis) and finally protects the skin from exposure to sunlight. What foods contain it? Almost all of the vegetables e le verdure ed i fruits yellow, orange or dark green in color: therefore green light acarote, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, apricot and melon.

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The list continues with the Vitamin C: it strengthens blood vessels, is an important antioxidant, enhances the functioning of the immune system, promotes the healing of wounds and bone fractures and helps heal seasonal ailments. For these reasons it is therefore indispensable for those who perform sport. Where can we find it? Mainly in peppers, citrus fruits, kiwi e tomatoes.

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We close the list with the Vitamina D. The latter favors the mineralization process of the bones, raises the defenses of the immune system and also regulates the intestine avoiding the excretion of calcium in the urine. As previously said this is the only vitamin that we already produce in our body through theexposure to the sun. However, this does not mean that it should not be implemented through adequate nutrition. In fact, to raise the levels of this substance we will have to eat pesce, egg and the feared Cod liver oil.

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