Home » Taurine, which is one of the main ingredients of Red Bull, perhaps can slow down aging

Taurine, which is one of the main ingredients of Red Bull, perhaps can slow down aging

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Taurine, which is one of the main ingredients of Red Bull, perhaps can slow down aging

A team of scientists wants to organize a large clinical trial to examine i potential benefits of the integration of taurine, a common substance in energy drinks. Animal studies have shown that restoring taurine levels to youthful values ​​can slow down the aging processimprove health and even extend lifespan in mice.

Professor Henning Wackerhage, a molecular physiologist of exercise at the Technical University of Munich, said a clinical study would compare the effects of daily intake of taurine or a placebo on humans, The Guardian reported.

The main objective would be to evaluate whether taking taurine contributes to living in better health for a longer period, although it may be difficult to determine whether prolong life. Previous studies have revealed that taurine levels decrease significantly with age in mice, monkeys and humans. Animals given taurine supplements were found to be healthier and younger, with denser bones, stronger muscles, better memory and a younger immune system.

They also lived longer, with a 10-12% increase in lifespan. However, before recommending taking taurine supplements, scientists believe that a thorough study should be conducted to evaluate their safety and benefits.

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