Home » The fresh and satiating vegetable source of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients that would promote bowel and bone health

The fresh and satiating vegetable source of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients that would promote bowel and bone health

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The fresh and satiating vegetable source of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients that would promote bowel and bone health

Not all the vegetables we put in the garden or in pots on the balcony are so difficult to grow. There are species suitable even for those without a green thumb and harvesting seems to be a fairly easy goal. Putting what we have produced on the table fills us with joy and satisfaction and above all we are sure that there are no pesticides or chemicals.

Cucumber falls into this category, because it appears to be a rather simple plant to grow. This vegetable of Indian origin develops like a climber, or in any case has a creeping posture, such as melon for example. Often, therefore, it needs braces to expand at its best. Absolutely loves the summer weather, while not withstanding winter and freezing temperatures. It needs moist soil and constant watering, also to obtain sweeter fruits.

The fresh and satiating vegetable source of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients that would promote bowel and bone health

The fruits of the “cucumis sativus” plant are real resources also from a nutritional point of view and are decidedly low-calorie foods. In fact, 100 grams of cucumber contains about 14 calories and more than 95 grams of water. Hence, they would have a refreshing and also diuretic power.

The cucumber, then, is a source of beta carotene, an important antioxidant that would counteract free radicals, promote healthy bones, eyesight and protect the skin from sunlight. Rich in vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, it would also have a highly satiating power, therefore an ideal food to be included in low-calorie diets. Furthermore, the fibers would help the intestine to function properly and keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels under control. Finally, among the possible benefits of cucumber, we remind you that it could be useful for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, also promoting good bowel functioning.

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Use in the kitchen

The fresh and satiating vegetable, a source of antioxidants, also has a delicious and very particular flavor. The only problem we may encounter is in terms of digestibility, but just cut it and sprinkle it with salt until we have eliminated the liquid that makes them a little bitter. They are usually eaten raw in various ways, also to give more flavor to summer salads, such as the famous panzanella.

In Greece, on the other hand, the recipe for tzatziki sauce triumphs, made with the pulp of cucumbers, in addition to whole Greek yogurt, lemon, garlic and often aromatic herbs. We could also use it to make detox smoothies, with a mix of refreshing and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Finally, the gazpacho with cucumbers, fresh tomatoes and celery or with avocado and mint and to be served with wholemeal bread croutons is excellent for a summer aperitif or afternoon snack.

Recommended reading

It is very good to eat and would help keep the heart, arteries and teeth healthy and promote metabolism this particular anti-inflammatory spring vegetable

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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