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the health benefits

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By now we know, dried fruit, as well as being good to eat, is also good for health, especially thanks to its content of monosaturated fats. The anacardi they are really delicious seeds, even if they are often called peanuts. Like most nuts, they contain a lot of calories, but they are also known to be an important source of vitamins and minerals. They are the fruit of the cashew plant (Anacardium storico), of the Anacardiaceae family, a tree native to the Amazon, an area from which it was exported by the Portuguese in the 16th century, while today India and East Africa are the two leading producers in the world. These are small nuts, about 2-4 cm, similar to beans, considered a prized fruit.
Let’s find out, then, what are the properties of cashews
So let’s see how they should be consumed and why they are allies of the line and your health.
The anacardi they are a little less famous than other nuts, such as walnuts, pistachios or almonds, but they have numerous properties that deserve to be known. First of all they are an excellent source of vegetable proteins and this makes them interesting especially for those who have chosen a diet without meat and foods of animal origin.
When eaten as a snack, and as an alternative to too many processed foods, they can help prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. The high protein and fiber content in nuts keeps people full longer.

They are then allied against the cholesterol, because they promote lower levels of LDL and are also a good source of zinc, which is essential for a well-functioning immune system. They are also bone friends because phosphorus and magnesium contribute to skeletal health and growth.
Among the properties of cashews, there is also the antioxidant one, mainly due to the presence of zeaxanthin, a pigment able to protect the eyes from possible sun damage and safeguard vision. They also contain tryptophan, one of the most important neurotransmitters in our body, but above all an essential amino acid precursor of serotonin, the hormone that gives good mood and promotes good rest. For this reason, cashews are considered to be true natural antidepressants.
Cashews are natural antidepressants, rich in nutrients, but be careful not to overdo it because they are high in fat and their abuse can lead to weight gain. It is endowed with beneficial, antiseptic and antibacterial properties and does not contain cholesterol.
Almost half of their weight is made up of lipids, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids so their consumption should not exceed 2 – 3 times a week with small portions of about 20 grams. That said, let’s start by giving the top spot among foods as magnesium content. They are also rich in potassium and iron.
Cashews are rich in tannin, so they are very perishable. For this reason, in most countries, preference is given to other types of dried fruit. Compared to other types of nuts, cashews are less likely to cause allergies.
They also contain a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamine A, B1, B2, iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. As an adjuvant, cashew nuts can be used for the treatment of anemia, metabolic disorders, psoriasis and toothache. They are able to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the immune system and establish the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.
Incidentally, the use of cashews differs by country. For example, in Brazil they are considered an aphrodisiac and a remedy for asthma, flu, bronchitis, diabetes and indigestion. In Haiti they are used to treat toothaches and warts. In Mexico to discolor freckles, in Panama to treat hypertension. In Peru, the fruit is used as an antiseptic and in Venezuela for sore throats.

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Natural antidepressant
And, as mentioned at the beginning, they are a natural antidepressant. There are 4 million Italians suffering from depression, of these only a third is treated all the others do not even know they have this disease and mainly affects individuals between 25 and 44 years old even if depression does not distinguish age and gender.
Cashews contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that the body needs and taken from food. Cashews contain a satisfactory amount of it, a couple of handfuls contain about 1500 mg. Tryptophan helps improve sleep, substantially reduce the level of anxiety, nervousness and depression.
How are cashews eaten?
Cashews can be eaten alone or in elaborate recipes. Toasted, they are a fairly popular snack, even in dried fruit mixes.
The most popular cashew-based recipes in Italy are sweet, for example: caramelized cashews, cashew chocolate, etc. They are also used to make cashew butter – similar to peanut butter or peanut butter – and several vegan preparations, the best known being cashew cheese. Whole or minced, they are often added to raw vegetable side dishes or roast meats.
Cashew oil is used like any vegetable oil and also lends itself to cooking.


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