Home » The season of hair loss begins but this beneficial amino acid helps us to strengthen it

The season of hair loss begins but this beneficial amino acid helps us to strengthen it

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According to experts, the period from late summer to early autumn is the one that makes us lose the most hair. We are not impressed by the figures: 70 to 80 hairs a day go away forever. The season of hair loss begins but this beneficial amino acid helps us to strengthen it. Without considering the importance of some always useful precautions: from the table to alternative natural products. Let’s go and see with our Experts this substance that will help us keep our hair strong.

Protein nutrition is essential

There is very little to do: our hair needs a targeted diet rich in proteins. And, in particular, an amino acid that allows our body to take in as much iron as possible. This action guarantees faster and healthier hair reproduction. It is called “L-lysine” the substance that our hair absolutely cannot miss to live healthy. However, let’s not forget the importance of omega-3 fatty acids that allow cell regeneration and the elimination of dead parts.

The season of hair loss begins but this beneficial amino acid helps us to strengthen it

There are perfect lotions that we can create at home with simple eggs and then there is this essential amino acid for the health of the hair. Lysine together with cystine is of primary importance for our body because it allows us to synthesize the famous keratin. The latter is in turn a protein rich in amino acids that we can find in some foods, but also in many hair treatment products. This is why taking lysine at this time of the year both at the table and as a supplement available at the pharmacy is really important for the regrowth of our hair.

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Where can we find lysine at the table

We just mentioned that lysine is easily available in pharmacies, herbalists and on the Internet. But we can also find it in many commonly used foods:

  • chickpeas and beans;
  • lentils and peas;
  • chicken and pork;
  • fish and lamb.

But be careful, let’s not fall into the mistake of taking lysine by eating too much meat. We will in fact raise cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Remove unwanted facial hair naturally

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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