Home » There are 2 very effective drugs to protect the brain and improve memory

There are 2 very effective drugs to protect the brain and improve memory

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Science has made great strides in trying to improve the life of each of us. In particular in the medical field, studies and discoveries are progressing more and more in understanding some diseases and finding their cure.

Among the many researches we are trying to find out how to prevent dementia and protect our brain, especially in old age.

In the next lines we will read how according to science to protect the brain and improve memory there are 2 very effective drugs.

It would seem that in fact, thanks to a study conducted at the University of California Irvine, and published in the journal Hypertension, there are some interesting discoveries.

The contents of the study

We reviewed 14 previous studies involving approximately 12,900 patients, aged 50 and over, from different countries including the United States.

The study assumed that about half of Americans suffer from high blood pressure, and this disease could affect the cognitive sphere of the brain in the long run.

For this reason, 7 cognitive aspects were considered in the survey. In particular: verbal memory, learning, executive function, language, recall and processing speed and mental state.

It was noted that the patients who treated themselves using antihypertensive drugs had a much higher verbal memory than the others. Let’s explain in more detail what all this means.

It would seem, in fact, that drugs to treat high blood pressure, called antihypertensives, protect the cognitive abilities of our brain. Specifically, memory, with the possibility of stopping dementia.

There are 2 very effective drugs to protect the brain and improve memory

This is possible because these drugs contain substances that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is a tissue characterized by a layer of cells called endothelial which have a very important function.

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That is to pass positive metabolites for the brain, but blocking all the harmful substances present in the blood.

Therefore, in the research in question, those who used these antihypertensive drugs, which had substances penetrating the blood-brain barrier inside, had an improvement in verbal memory.

In particular, we refer to the drugs that have these 2 components the ace inhibitors and the angiotensin receptor blockers.

There is only one point against this research: that is, the patients treated with these drugs seem to show less attention span, while the other 7 parameters did not present particular differences.

Obviously these are studies in progress so before taking any drug it is always recommended to consult your doctor. He will be the one to consider it right or wrong to prescribe it with respect to the individual conditions of the patient.


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