Home » They may seem like symptoms of simple hemorrhoids but we should be careful because these conditions could be the alarm bells of some diseases

They may seem like symptoms of simple hemorrhoids but we should be careful because these conditions could be the alarm bells of some diseases

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They may seem like symptoms of simple hemorrhoids but we should be careful because these conditions could be the alarm bells of some diseases

There are some symptoms that we should watch for every day. In fact, if our main goal is to protect our health, certainly this is a great place to start. Taking care of your body means listening to it, paying attention to every single signal and above all keeping yourself informed. In this way, it will certainly be easier to explain to a trusted doctor what we have noticed. We will certainly be able to present ourselves in front of an expert with more awareness, explaining more easily what we have noticed.

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Certainly one of the most common symptoms that could involve many of us concerns an irregularity, evident or not, of our intestine. In fact, in this case, focusing on the alterations of the hive, we could certainly notice some dysfunctions that should not always be underestimated.

We refer to problems or anomalies in the act of defecation, which we should note if they should be repeated over time. In some cases these are fleeting moments, which can obviously happen to everyone and for which there is not exactly the need to be alarmed. In others, however, it could be symptoms to be taken into consideration in part.

They may seem like symptoms of simple hemorrhoids but we should be careful because these conditions could be the alarm bells of some diseases

As explained by the Humanitas experts, alterations in the hive can be common and do not necessarily indicate a serious or important problem for our health. For example, if we were faced with a form of non-prolonged constipation, we could also link it all to stress.

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In other cases, however, the alterations of the hive can be in the list of symptoms of some pathologies. Knowing them could certainly be more than useful in several cases. In particular, prolonged diarrhea should not be underestimated. Especially if we were to notice blood that could seem symptoms of simple hemorrhoids but which, in other situations, could be a warning, in fact.

For example, when we notice a long time alteration with the symptoms listed above, we could be faced with diverticulitis. In the list, then, there would also be intestinal polyps.

Of course, noticing blood in the stool or having constant and prolonged diarrhea does not necessarily lead to thinking about these pathologies. Since we find them among the possible symptoms of various pathologies, however, consulting our trusted doctor will be the only safe and certain action to take.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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