Home » This summer fruit could keep blood sugar and insulin at bay but it could also interfere with certain medications

This summer fruit could keep blood sugar and insulin at bay but it could also interfere with certain medications

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This summer fruit could keep blood sugar and insulin at bay but it could also interfere with certain medications

The term blood sugar indicates the value of sugar in the blood. It is important to keep it under control since, if this value were high, you would risk diabetes. Likewise, insulin would also have to be kept at bay. In fact, blood sugar and insulin would go hand in hand. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar and when this does not perform its function well, the consequence would be an increase in glucose.

That is why, in the case of type 1 diabetes, doctors would prescribe insulin injections to affected individuals. In any case, hyperinsulinemia, that is the condition in which insulin were to exceed normal levels, should also be kept under control.

In fact, the excessive production of insulin could create other problems, especially at the hormonal level. But how do you know if your blood sugar and insulin values ​​are high? Through a blood test, which the doctor will prescribe.

Based on the outcome, the doctor may indicate a specific diet, as well as a therapy to follow. Speaking of nutrition, it would be advisable to know the foods that would have a high glycemic index. But for this treatment, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

The melon

There would be several foods allowed, to be consumed in case of high blood sugar and insulin. For example, this summer fruit could keep blood sugar at bay and improve both insulin resistance and metabolism, according to Humanitas.

The melon, in fact, would contain phytonutrients, capable of reducing oxidative stress. In addition to this, its antioxidant properties may be able to contribute to the reduction of cholesterol, as well as to the protection of the cardiovascular system, through the regulation of blood pressure.

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Furthermore, melon could also be an ally in weight loss. Its consumption could bring benefits in case of overweight and obesity. In fact, 100 g of product would contain about 30 calories, as well as a series of important vitamins and minerals.

This summer fruit could keep blood sugar and insulin at bay but it could also interfere with certain medications

Unfortunately, as happens with any food, even the melon could have “cons”. First of all, it would contain fructose which, despite being a good sugar, would still be a sugar. Therefore, it would be necessary to weigh the slice of melon to eat. For this, we ask our doctor for advice.

Secondly, the action of the cantaloupe could interfere with diuretics. If the doctor has prescribed a treatment with diuretics, we ask for more information about the consumption of melon. Finally, we remind you that this article is for information only and that, once again, we invite you to seek the undisputed opinion of an expert.

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The brain would skip and cognitive decline would accelerate due to this bad habit, but this delicious fruit could protect it.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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