Home » This symptom and persistent stomach pain could be signs that our colon is sick

This symptom and persistent stomach pain could be signs that our colon is sick

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Colon and intestinal problems are among the most frequent and at the same time disabling. According to recent estimates, around 40% of the world‘s adult population suffers from colorectal problems, ranging from swelling to cancer. One of the most common ailments is undoubtedly irritable bowel syndrome. Often underestimated and downgraded to a normal stomach ache, irritable colon is an inflammation that affects 10% of Italians. It also seems to be the second cause of absence from work, after the flu. The syndrome should not be underestimated, both because it can make our lives more difficult, and because it can be a wake-up call for more serious diseases. For this reason, recognizing it in time and turning to the right specialists to heal it is essential.

This symptom and persistent stomach pain could be signs that our colon is sick

Coming to an accurate diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is not easy. However, by reading the signals that the body sends us, we can notice the onset of the disorder in time.

In 2016, gastroenterologists drafted the so-called Rome IV Criteria, i.e. guidelines for the management of gastrointestinal diseases. Among these are the criteria that make it possible to identify an irritable bowel syndrome.

A symptomatology that seems recurrent in patients suffering from irritable bowel is the alteration of the urge to evacuate. This symptom and persistent stomach pain could be signs that our colon is sick. Persistent abdominal pain refers to frequent and repeated abdominal pain, felt in the last 3 or 6 months. By alteration of the urge to evacuate, on the other hand, we mean the irregularity of the evacuation, which can be both abundant and almost absent. Depending on the variation of this parameter, we can diagnose the two main types of irritable bowel, the diarrheal one and the constipated one.

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What to do

Observing and recognizing the signals sent by our body is essential as a first step in prevention. It is clear that afterwards we will have to rely on the opinions of our trusted doctor. It will be the doctor’s task to classify our disorder and suggest the right therapy to treat it. Diet is certainly a factor of great importance. The advice, in case of the onset of the symptoms mentioned above, is to also contact a nutritionist expert. In fact, all do-it-yourself diets or those easily found on the Internet are not recommended.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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