Home » To have a more peaceful and relaxed sleep without brain disorders we should move this very common object from the bedside table

To have a more peaceful and relaxed sleep without brain disorders we should move this very common object from the bedside table

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To have a more peaceful and relaxed sleep without brain disorders we should move this very common object from the bedside table

Our cell phone has now become the natural continuation of the hand. Each of us, without distinction, knows how much this object conditions our life, every single day. It is practically unthinkable to live without it. Many would like to return to the pre-cellular era, but then, in reality, no one would really do without it.

It is a bit like the box of our secrets, our passions and, why not, our desires. It is always with us, from the morning when we get up until the evening when we fall asleep. There are very few people who do not look at it as the first thing of the day, even if it is to turn off the alarm. The various messaging apps, from Telegram to WhatsApp, have almost become the litmus test of our daily mood.

Few, however, wonder if the constant presence of the cell phone near us could imply problems for our health. Specifically, what are those related to sleep? We know that when we spend a lot of time on the phone we are exposed to electromagnetic fields which are certainly not good for our brains. For this reason, the use of earphones or headphones is more than recommended.

To have a more peaceful and relaxed sleep without brain disorders we should move this very common object from the bedside table

What happens at night instead? First of all, let’s say that it would be better to stop viewing the screen of our phone at least ten minutes before falling asleep. Not only that, when we lie down this shouldn’t be next to us. The displays of our devices, in fact, emit a blue light that would not allow our brain to relax, as well as strain our eyes.

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As far as magnetic fields are concerned, however, no studies have yet shown how deleterious they can be for our health. When the mobile phone is at rest, in fact, the emissions would be very low, therefore not so harmful. However, it would be recommended to keep it in a different room than the one we sleep in. Or, but no one does it anymore, turn it off completely, which does not mean putting it in airplane mode.

So, although there are no studies that certify an increase in brain tumors due to the use of the telephone, it is still recommended to sleep without having it next to you. Also because, waiting for the arrival of any notifications or messages can create anxiety for our sleep. Consequently, leaving it in a different room or at least one meter from our pillow is strongly recommended.

To have a more peaceful and relaxed sleep, in fact, we must ensure that the environment in which we sleep is as healthy as possible. In an increasingly hectic world, in which we are overwhelmed by news and messages every day, it is advisable to remove everything that is potentially harmful to us when we rest, cellular in the first place.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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