Home » Very low voice and hoarseness could be the symptoms of this serious and often ignored disorder

Very low voice and hoarseness could be the symptoms of this serious and often ignored disorder

by admin

When winter comes, our body suffers. The cold, the rain, the wind do nothing but affect our health. And here begins the first coughs and a very strong sore throat. Not to mention the voice, which suddenly drops and we can no longer make ourselves heard. The same thing could happen to us when we talk a lot or scream.

After conferences and exams, it happens to have a hoarse voice, just like the day after a concert.

And if we fight with someone, well, then our little voice just disappears completely.

What if the reason for the lowering of the voice was not one of these, but was hiding behind something more serious?

We at the editorial team did some research and we discovered a very interesting thing to pay close attention to.

Very low voice and hoarseness could be the symptoms of this serious and often ignored disorder

A study conducted by MSD experts reveals that the whispered voice, therefore very low, would sometimes indicate the presence of nodules in the vocal cords. Polyps and papillomas are also not excluded from these symptoms and that is why appropriate investigations must be made.

Usually, nodules affect both vocal cords and polyps only one.

To diagnose the problem, doctors usually do a probe inspection and may find that a biopsy is also needed.

Nodules occur very frequently among those who make great use of the voice, such as singers for example.

Conversely, polyps tend to appear in smokers and in those with gastroesophageal reflux.

Some possible solutions

Very low voice and hoarseness could be the symptoms of this serious disorder very often ignored, but which must be kept under control.

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Among the solutions, the first certainly requires you to rest your voice. Especially when it comes to the underlying cause, there is little point in continuing to strain the vocal cords excessively.

Depending on the intensity of the problem, vocal rehabilitation and, in the most serious cases, surgery could be used.

In any case, it is always good to contact your doctor who will prescribe the appropriate visits to be made.

Be careful not to underestimate some problems that are considered “normal”, especially if they persist over time. Better to be safe than sorry, say the wise men, and perhaps it is appropriate to follow this advice.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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