Home » Villa Sofia-Cervello, psychology task force underway

Villa Sofia-Cervello, psychology task force underway

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PALERMO. Represents a kind of “Kaleidoscope” of psychology the new institutionalized team of “Villa Sofia- Cervello”, aimed not only at supporting the psycho-physical well-being of health workers, patients and family members, but also at improving organizational dynamics in highly critical situations such as those that marked the long pandemic period.

The Palermo company, with resolution 1373 of 4 October 2021, visa the psycho-social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the general population, had recruited various specialists in the sector (in addition to having historically already reserved significant attention to psychological support, as a service associated with the services provided), but today it brings together in a single team professionals with different skills to answer increasingly complex needs, in line with the most recent legislative guidelines, which pay particular attention to the operational and emotional overload of healthcare professionals connected to the persistence of stress-related risk high intensity, generated by the treatment of the infected patient and linked to strong, sudden and substantial organizational and relational changes, also connected to a review of best practice for optimal clinical risk management and prevention of adverse events. Pink code; suicidal risk assessment, prenatal psychology; problem solving, decision marking and crisis fatigue, in fact, are at the center of the task force’s operational agenda, in response to an increasingly massive demand for psychological health, as demonstrated by post-pandemic empirical data.

“It emerges – he comments Walter Messina general manager of the AOOR Villa Sofia – Cervello – the value of the integration between hospital clinic and organization and between the well-being of the user and the individual operator, as factors also aimed at organizational well-being. The centrality of the patient, already inherent in the concept of humanization of care, can certainly find an added value in this planning process. Organizational psychology today stands as a strategic element of the most innovative processes of healthcare corporation, to translate the evidence gained in a crisis context into opportunities, in response to the variables imposed by the pandemic and necessarily at the center of a more optimized vision of management than quality requests for clinical risk, aimed at preventing, rather than managing, adverse events within the company “.

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Concepts such as Evaluation, Prevention, Health e Safety. Motivation and satisfaction, group dynamics and communication processes. Ergonomics (interaction between human work, machine and environment), analysis of organizations, relationships, organizational climate and culture, which have always been at the center of organizational psychology.

«The presence of these professionals in our hospital reality – he says Ilaria Dilena responsible for the team, as well as for the company controls – represented the opportunity to improve hospital care and offer valid support in the face of highly varied requests, which together with the disease, also reveal the the human and social dimension of patients and, often, even situations of strong socio-cultural discomfort pass through our relevance and also constitute an important ally in the doctor-patient relationship and in the communication of health professionals to family members. This latter profile, which today demands new algorithms, aimed at overcoming the limitations dictated by isolation and the limitation of physical contact, which require the search for new languages ​​».

«The health workers – continues Dilena – had to remodel, therefore, the approach to illness, suffering and death and had to metabolize highly emotional variables with respect to pre-Covid care processes, with consequent implementation of stress-related load “.

Already INAIL (National Institute for Occupational Accident Insurance) e Cnop (National Council of the Order of Psychologists) urged the activation of task forces dedicated to the management of stress and prevention of burnout in health workers in the Sars-CoV-2 emergency, hoping for the construction of a homogeneously applied network to identify tools and methodologies useful for preserving safety at work, also taking into account the now historic assumption of the World Health Organization, according to which Health by definition is: “The state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not consisting only in the absence of disease or infirmity”, remarked in the most modern Legislative Decree 81/08 relating to safety at work.

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In this context, team psychology allows to guarantee a renewed attention to psycho-social risks as aspects of work organization and management, with the aim of understanding, analyzing and modifying the interactions between the person and the organization, or his living environment, his ways of building an effective, efficient and satisfactory work conduct in relation to other people and the means of work, his personal and professional development and all factors environmental, social, technical and cultural that can increase the chances of mastering personal and managerial choices in an emergency or critical phase.

The Working Group is made up of doctors: Alessia Alongi, Marilisa Cammarata, Valentina Ficili, Giulio Gambino, Antonella Lunetta, Federica Licata, Angela Moscato, Elisa Modica, Gessica Marceca, Marcella Marramaldo, Susanna Marotta, Patrizia Nacci, Alessandra Pizzuto, Silvia Puccinelli, Angelo Scuzzarella, Laura Termini, Valentina Vegna , Ivana Zingales, Miriana Cirella and Sonia Balatti.

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