Home » Water and lemon in the morning, the habit we thought was healthy is not: the expert’s words

Water and lemon in the morning, the habit we thought was healthy is not: the expert’s words

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Water and lemon in the morning, the habit we thought was healthy is not: the expert’s words

Is drinking lemon water in the morning good for you? A habit that many think is healthy, but it really isn’t. Here are the words of the expert

Health is one of the fundamental pillars of our life and, to maintain it, it is necessary to follow a series of healthy habits. Between these, one of the most important concerns nutritionwhich can greatly affect physical and mental well-being.

Water and lemon – Arlex.it

One of the most important habits for health is certainly that of follow a balanced and healthy diet, rich in nutritious foods and low in fat and sugar. In particular, it is important to regularly consume fruit and vegetables, which provide our body with essential vitamins and minerals for the correct functioning of the immune system and all other organs.

Is lemon water good for health? The words of the expert

Furthermore, it is important to drink plenty of water, at least two liters a day, to keep the body hydrated and favor the elimination of toxins. However, it must be said that drink lemon water in the morning, a widespread practice in some quarters, it is not a magical health potion as is often believed.

Water and lemon – Arlex.it

In reality, our body is able to purify itself thanks to its organs, first of all the kidneys and liver, which filter toxins and eliminate them through urine and feces. Therefore, it is not necessary to take “miraculous” remedies to favor the purification of the organism. Also, it should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of lemon juice can damage tooth enamel, causing problems such as tooth sensitivity and enamel erosion. Therefore, if you want to consume lemon juice, it is advisable to dilute it in water and limit the amount.

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In general, it is important to pay attention to the information circulating on the subject of health and nutrition, avoiding believing false myths or claims not supported by science. In this way, it is possible to adopt healthy and correct habits to maintain one’s physical and mental well-being.

In conclusion, follow a balanced diet, rich in nutritious foods and low in fat and sugar, drink plenty of water and limit the consumption of harmful substances such as alcohol and smoking are just some of the fundamental habits for health. However, it is important to pay attention to the information circulating on health and nutrition, to avoid falling into traps such as taking lemon in the morning, which can be harmful to our teeth.

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