Home » We can say goodbye to abdominal bloating with these natural remedies that give us a flat stomach and help us lose weight

We can say goodbye to abdominal bloating with these natural remedies that give us a flat stomach and help us lose weight

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We can say goodbye to abdominal bloating with these natural remedies that give us a flat stomach and help us lose weight

Having your belly swollen like a balloon is a very unpleasant feeling that affects us more and more often. Clothes that pull, buttons that don’t fasten. Through the belly the body speaks to us and sends us signals that we should learn to grasp. In fact, in addition to the very unpleasant sensation of abdominal tension, the swelling tells us that something is wrong and we should investigate. The causes can be manifold.

The role of stress

Many times the causes of bloating are not related to diet, but to factors that have nothing to do with what we eat, such as anxiety. In fact, stressful situations could alter the functionality of the digestive system, causing intestinal disorders and meteorism. It is mainly women who suffer from problems of this type, while in men the swelling often depends on the excessive consumption of alcohol.

Eating habits also play an important role. There are foods that are hostile to the gut that can cause bloating. Legumes, due to their high fiber content, and crucifers. With this term we indicate cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and turnips, to name the most common. But they are valuable foods for health and we shouldn’t give them up. If anything, we could consume them in small portions and no more than once a week. Among the legumes it is preferable to choose lentils, which are the most digestible. Foods rich in lactose, milk and dairy products could also promote the formation of intestinal gas. Obviously the rules are not the same for everyone and everyone must try to identify the enemy foods of their intestine.

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We can say goodbye to abdominal bloating with these natural remedies that give us a flat stomach and help us lose weight

What not everyone knows is that the artificial sweeteners we take on sugar substitute diets may be causing the swelling. And which are often contained in low-calorie foods, including drinks.

Whatever the reason, those who suffer from bloating experience a strong feeling of discomfort. They are often discouraged from dieting because they fail to achieve significant results.

What can really be done? First of all, identify the foods that make us swell up and reduce their consumption. Then, before eating, do some breathing exercises that relax the digestive system and prepare it for the meal. Also, you should chew slowly so as not to gulp down air and never eat in front of the computer or phone. Finally, take a healthy ginger or fennel tea, which has deflating properties. This way we can say goodbye to abdominal bloating and our intestines will thank us.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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