Home » We can try to prevent this heart disease with these simple habits that we often overlook

We can try to prevent this heart disease with these simple habits that we often overlook

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Cardiac pathologies are numerous and diverse. Here we try to report scientifically based advice to try to prevent atrial fibrillation. It is a heart rhythm disorder that causes the heart to beat irregularly and very quickly. According to reports from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, atrial fibrillation can certainly be perceived with strong palpitations. Sometimes, however, it can also exist and not present any symptoms so we may also have an irregular heartbeat and not know it. The main manifestations are usually palpitations, shortness of breath, lightheadedness and fatigue. Of course this does not mean that if we have one of these symptoms we can automatically make a self-diagnosis. Fibrillation must always be diagnosed by a specialist.

We can try to prevent this heart disease with these simple habits that we often overlook

If we are afraid of being able to run into this pathology, because perhaps the doctor has warned us, we can consider some practices always suggested by the ISS that can help us in prevention. In particular, regular physical activity seems to be of great help. There appears to be an inverse relationship between movement and atrial fibrillation episodes. It seems to have been shown that during the summer people move more and fibrillation is less frequent. So the institution suggests that you set aside time for physical activity. Research from the University of Adelaide in Australia also disclosed through some scientific journals reveals that people who engage in regular physical activity show a reduction in the severity of symptoms. Obviously in healthy subjects physical activity is valid as prevention and in those who already have suspicious symptoms supported by medical diagnoses, sport can be considered always following the specialist’s instructions.


We can also try to prevent this heart disease with these simple habits that we often neglect following a healthy lifestyle. First of all, nutrition has its value, which must be varied and balanced, rich in vegetables and fruit, whole grains, fish and legumes. Above all, we should limit the consumption of saturated fats, salt and sugar as much as possible and try to keep cholesterol at bay. Still don’t smoke and maintain optimal weight. By following these good habits we have the opportunity to start treating ourselves by pampering our body and trying not to subject the body to stress factors that derive from the onset of new diseases.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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