Home » We never imagined that this was one of the main causes of headaches

We never imagined that this was one of the main causes of headaches

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The problem that afflicts so many people from a young age is annoying, persistent and even unbearable. We refer to headache, a very common disorder due to many possible causes.

A day in front of the PC, an intense study or tiredness and strong stress could cause this nasty disorder. The most common causes concern eye problems and days spent in front of a screen, TV or PC.

Reading should not be underestimated either, especially if the letters are very small and difficult to see with the naked eye. In short, it is from the eyes that the first dizziness is born. In reality, however, the origin of the headache can also relate to another part of the body and a disorder that hardly anyone thinks of. Let’s see what it is.

We never imagined that this was one of the main causes of headaches

The part of the body we are talking about is the mouth, namely the teeth, and the problem that many suffer from is known as bruxism. It is a condition in which you grind your teeth, especially at night or generally during sleep. Under these circumstances, the tendency of sufferers is to clench their teeth and rub them together.

This involuntary gesture could cause not only a bad headache, but also problems with the teeth, which risk being damaged and chipped. It is for this reason that dentists recommend using a night bite that protects against damage.

Experts believe that the reasons for bruxism have to do primarily with the emotional state and therefore with psychological factors. A condition of tension and nervousness, in fact, seems to accentuate the nocturnal grinding.

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Grandma’s remedies

We never imagined that this was one of the main causes of headaches and perhaps we don’t even know we suffer from it. In fact, many people don’t know they clench their teeth in sleep until they sleep with someone who tells them to. It may seem very strange, but it is not always easy to notice on your own.

Once we are aware of this and the pain concentrated on the temples does not subside, how can we fix it? Two tubs are enough to relieve the headache and relax the body and mind, thanks to the now famous hydrotherapy. However, it is still a natural remedy, so it is preferable to contact your doctor, even more so if the disorder persists.

Let us also remember our mental health and how important it is to be calm and relaxed, because the well-being of the body always passes from the psychological one.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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