Home » We put this food completely free of cholesterol and rich in antioxidants on the table

We put this food completely free of cholesterol and rich in antioxidants on the table

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Shopping by putting only healthy foods in the cart to make up a balanced diet is never easy. We all know the rules: lots of fruit and vegetables, little meat and animal products, and few processed products. But sometimes we feel like we have to compromise the taste for health. In reality this is not the case: even the humblest and healthiest vegetables can turn out to be delicious and appetizing. This is the case of a vegetable that is too often overlooked, but in reality very tasty, versatile and above all very healthy.

Let’s see what it is.

We put this food completely free of cholesterol and rich in antioxidants on the table

But what food are we talking about? Of the humble valerian. Valerian (also called songino or soncino) is a variety of salad. Many appreciate it because it is easy to clean and keeps for a long time. But these are not the only advantages of valerian.

If we are concerned about following a healthy diet, valerian is the perfect choice to put a delicious and healthy vegetable in the cart. And valerian has an important feature compared to most other foods that we find in the supermarket: it does not contain cholesterol. So let’s put this food completely free of cholesterol and rich in antioxidants on the table

Ally of the circulatory system, skin and eyes

Valerian contains a minimal amount of fat, and contains no cholesterol at all. It is a very precious ingredient for those who have to be careful about high cholesterol. Precisely for this reason, valerian is a great ally of the circulatory system, also thanks to its high potassium content.

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But this humble vegetable also has other advantages. In fact, valerian is very rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are valuable in counteracting cell aging, and they help our metabolism to function properly. In addition, antioxidants are beneficial for the health of the eyes and mucous membranes.

Also very rich in mineral salts

But that’s not all: valerian is also a real mine of mineral salts. Contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron, which are very important for our body.

So let’s put the valerian in the cart without delay.

If we want to try our hand at home cultivation, valerian is one of the most suitable vegetables, because it is very robust and can grow without problems even in pots or in a flower bed. It can be sown both in summer and in autumn, and does not fear the cold. Let’s just remember to water our plants regularly to enjoy a delicious and healthy salad.

If we want to keep it fresh for a long time, here is a brilliant trick to not let the salad wither in the fridge.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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