Home » What to eat with hypertension? Green bananas or dark chocolate? Incredible

What to eat with hypertension? Green bananas or dark chocolate? Incredible

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High blood pressure is defined as a blood pressure disorder. It affects about 20% of adults and is one of the major clinical ailments. Hypertension occurs when blood pressure values ​​measured in a doctor’s office equal to or greater than 140 mmHg maximum and 90 mmHg minimum.

Do green bananas help hypertension sufferers?

Consuming foods rich in potassium helps those with hypertension. Bananas are high in potassium and low in sodium and therefore help those with hypertension. According to research studies, two bananas a day for a week reduce blood pressure by 10% and therefore help those suffering from the pathology of hypertension. Consult your doctor before including them in your diet if you suffer from other health complications. A medium-sized one contains only 109 calories with grams of fiber, 18 grams of natural sugar, 20 of carbohydrates and one of protein. Contains vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A.

What are the differences between yellow and green bananas?

They are harvested while they are still green. This is to ensure they don’t get too ripe before buying them. Unripe and yellow ones differ for many reasons. The former are less sweet. In fact, they are a bit bitter in taste. They are firmer than the yellow ones. Their texture has sometimes been described as waxy. They are richer in starch. When they ripen and turn yellow, the starches turn into sugars. Unripe ones are more difficult to peel, while ripe ones are easier to peel.

Does dark chocolate help hypertension sufferers?

Eating black chocolate is a great way to incorporate more cocoa into your diet. This helps those who have had hypertension diagnoses. The flavonoids it contains have been found to produce nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax and lower blood pressure. But pay attention to the quantity you eat. A Finnish study indicates that it may be closely linked to a reduced risk of stroke. This is useful for those living with atrial fibrillation, who are five times more likely to suffer a stroke than those without Afib. The one with at least 70% cocoa contains polyphenols and theobromine which can reduce the cholesterol levels of low-density lipoproteins and favor those with hypertension.

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Does dark chocolate help you lose weight?

Some research suggests it could help improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for transmitting sugar from the bloodstream to cells, where it can be used for energy. This can help reduce blood insulin levels, which may be associated with increased weight loss and reduced fat storage. Studies show it can reduce appetite and promote feelings of fullness, which can help support weight loss. This favors those with hypertension. Several studies have found that dark chocolate can positively affect mental health. Here’s what it contains:

  • Cocoa at least 70%.
  • Oleic acid.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Copper.
  • Ferro.

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