Home » Which chocolate contains flavonols that are good for the heart and for those with high blood sugar? Here is the incredible answer

Which chocolate contains flavonols that are good for the heart and for those with high blood sugar? Here is the incredible answer

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In dark chocolate, cocoa flavonols are found. These substances reduce the increase in triglycerides, fasting blood sugar, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation. These are all risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases.

Are there flavonols in coffee?

It is a major source of flavonols. They are substances of plant origin and include compounds such as flavonoids, tannins and phenolic acids. Moderate coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Polyphenols can exert an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. They also help reduce cardiovascular diseases. It’s good for your blood sugar.

Is pasta good for the heart?

Consuming 80 grams of whole milk per day reduces the risk of heart attack by 21%. The most protective cereal is oats because it contains high percentages of beta-glucan, a fiber that has a high ability to reduce cholesterol at the table. Pasta must never be missing from the diet. Promotes the release of serotonin which is the good mood hormone. It is energetic and light, easily digestible, friend of the heart and satiating. Scholars from the Federico II University of Naples have created a paste based on Taurisol extracts, rich in resveratrol.

Does dark chocolate have aphrodisiac properties?

No this chocolate is not aphrodisiac. The myth about these properties was based on the fact that traces of phenylethylamine were present in dark chocolate. It is a substance that acts in the brain causing feelings of pleasure. This is why this chocolate was believed to be aphrodisiac. In fact, when you eat this chocolate, phenylethylamine is metabolized too quickly to affect the brain. The aphrodisiac effect of this chocolate, therefore, would only be a placebo effect.

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Is dark chocolate good for those with high blood sugar?

It helps those with high blood sugar. It protects the heart and prevents diabetes. It is good for health as long as it is neither milk nor white. Only the black one is good. Eating a small piece a day can prevent heart disease and help those with diabetes. It reduces blood sugar levels and insulin levels.

Where are flavonols found?

They are natural substances found in fruit, vegetables, tea, coffee, wine. They have antioxidant and cell damage repair properties. They are useful for preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease and degenerative diseases in general. They include anthocyanins, flavones and other pigments. Here are the foods that contain them:

  • Spinach.
  • Kiwi.
  • Red wine.
  • Blueberries.
  • Green Tea.
  • Onion.
  • Lettuce.
  • Cacao.

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