Home » Who is Stella Ralfini, the inventor of the Bediterranean Diet

Who is Stella Ralfini, the inventor of the Bediterranean Diet

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Who is Stella Ralfini, the inventor of the Bediterranean Diet

He is over 70 years old but looks 20 younger, his name is Stella Ralfini, has Greek origins and lives in London. She by profession she is sexpert and has risen to the limelight for the Bediterranean Dieta diet that basically refers to the Mediterranean one but which exploits all its potential to improve performance under the sheets.

How the Bediterranean Diet works

The Bediterranean Diet developed by Stella Ralfini and launched by Sun retrieves a list of foods that ignite passion from the Mediterranean Diet. They range from extra virgin oil that is said to reduce impotence by up to 40%, to the aphrodisiac food par excellence, oysters, rich in zinc, which help the production of testosterone and increase libido in women.

Among the foods recommended by Ralfini for a perfect night of love there are: tomatoes, chocolate, asparagus, fenugreek, ginger, pomegranate and even beer, preferably dark.

The Bediterranean Diet has been officially called the Valentine’s Day diet, but of course it can be followed at any time of the year. From the pages of Sun, explains the expert: “If you want to be an Adonis between the sheets, then you have to eat natural foods to stabilize your blood sugar levels so that you are always ready. The Mediterranean diet is guaranteed to increase libido, testosterone and stamina ”.

The 10 aphrodisiac foods according to Stella Ralfini

Let’s see the top 10 aphrodisiac foods according to Stella Ralfini, making sure, however, that she is not an expert in nutrition and that it is always good to consult your doctor every time you intend to undertake a diet.

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Extra virgin olive oil: it is capable of reducing impotence by 40%.

Oysters for testosterone production and female libido enhancement.

Shrimp help stimulate desire.

Almonds, rich in vitamins E, help in stamina.

Pomegranate to improve mood.

Dark chocolate helps reduce stress and promotes a good mood.

Asparagus is the aphrodisiac vegetable par excellence and since ancient times they have been considered a libido stimulant.

Figs, both fresh and dried, also stimulate the desire for their particular shape.

Eggs, a symbol of fertility and rebirth, are rich in proteins that stimulate energy and vitamins B6 and B5, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress

Ginger, the root that is simply defined, the super sexual food.

Who is Stella Ralfini

Stella Ralfini she entered the world of work in her early twenties as an assistant to the Rolling Stones. At the age of 30 she quit music and, influenced by her mother, she studied yoga and oriental disciplines, specializing in Hatha, Kundalini and Tantra. In 1989 she moved to Greece for love and opened her first spa where she offered yoga classes for adults and children, vegan cooking classes, health and wellness treatments.

He has written several books and today continues his business with courses that aim at rejuvenation, like his own Total Mind, Body, Face Transformation 30 days, as he also tells on his Instagram profile. A few years ago she made people talk about her thanks to these anti-aging treatments of her and was defined as the woman who looks 50 at the age of 70.

Stella Ralfini in an Instagram photo

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