Home » “World of Swordsman 3” iOS test kicks off today’s hot-blooded family promo exposure-Technology News-Sina News Center

“World of Swordsman 3” iOS test kicks off today’s hot-blooded family promo exposure-Technology News-Sina News Center

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The iOS test of Xishanju’s new generation of swordsman love mobile game “Swordsman World 3″ officially opened at 10:00 today! Created by the original team of Xishanju, the quality optimization technology upgrades, inherits the classic gameplay of swordsman, the new upgrade of thousands of people fighting, evokes the dream of the rivers and lakes in your heart, and inspires the original feelings of martial arts. The iOS test officially hits today, double the excitement and return to the world of swordsman!

  [劍俠世界來襲 五大門派重聚]

As a new generation of swordsman love mobile game, “Swordsman World 3″ follows the historical heritage, with the Song and Jin wars as the background, the Southern Song Dynasty undercurrents surging, the rivers and lakes are turbulent, and the crisis is everywhere, and it is urgent to rescue heroes. Today, the five major sects are back in the arena and will help you young heroes! The long spear of the King of Heaven is in hand, with full battery life; Bailu pierces the Yang with a hundred steps, long-range output; easy water assisted treatment, both offensive and defensive; Tianren double knives in close combat, killing people invisible; Wudang uses the sword to protect the air, and group control. Each of the five sects has its own strengths and different skill moves, but the same heroes are full of enthusiasm!

  [多種技能搭配 經典五行相剋]

Of course, walking the rivers and lakes is indispensable for martial arts with swords, lights, swords and shadows. If you want to punch to the flesh and seamless moves in the battle, you can only get it through day and night with the spirit of “the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold”. “World of Swordsman 3″ is inherited. In addition to the classic law of the five elements of wood, water, fire, and earth, as long as you understand the essence of martial arts, you can be invincible on the battlefield. There are as many as 8 combat skills in the game. It can be matched with each other, and everyone can create their own unique set of winning martial arts cheats.

  [熱血群戰PK 千人同屏作戰]

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There is a saying that “Huangsha wears golden armor for a hundred battles, and will not return if you don’t break Loulan.” The world of swordsman has such a majestic and unyielding momentum. “World of Swordsman 3″ not only has a variety of tricks and PK gameplay, but also classic gameplay. A big addition. The “Song-Jin Battlefield” is surging and the enemy soldiers are coming down the city. The 20v20 group battle is full of tension every minute and every second. In the “Three Talents Leader”, the families fight separately. While defeating the enemy family, the goal is to capture The head of the leader; “Guard Lin’an” besieged the city on three sides, and the knights rescued the fiery city of Lin’an between the swords and put down the riot. . .

How can a group battle overwhelm everyone? “Swordsman World 3″ group battle screen upgrade, hundreds or even thousands of people on the same screen warfare to achieve non-shielding model, players can clearly see the real character model instead of “seeing the name but not the person.”

  [家族玩法上線 休閑升級兩不誤]

The arena not only fights and kills arbitrarily, but also has countless human affections. It is inevitable that you will be frustrated when you go through the rivers and lakes alone. “World of Swordsman 3″ knows this well and builds a family system. Every player can find a warm harbor in the rivers and lakes. Together with three or five friends, fly the Royal Eagle over Lin’an City and take pictures of your own precious memories; or accompany you in the field to practice chain practice and practice strategies to achieve tacit cooperation; chat with family members in the evening, and compete after drinking. ; Take off your precautions, take a bath in Tangquan, soothe your body and mind, and at the same time narrow the distance between each other.

In addition, many core gameplays in the game are carried out on a family basis. The “family level” and family members enter the withered vine illusion and work hand in hand to defeat the weird and strange beasts; in “Famous Xia Wu”, family members can compete with Dragon Five together. Between families, you can also use Mingxia stickers to destroy the prestige of others. After the family event, the dropped equipment is auctioned for a limited time, and all members of the participating family can get the ingot of the auction, and they are ready to be led by the big boss at any time. It is not difficult to save money in the family.

The place where there are swordsmen is the real world! The iOS test of the new generation of swordsman love mobile game “Swordsman World 3″ opened today. There are wines, fires and brothers in the rivers and lakes. I sincerely hope that all the heroes will try the world!

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“Swordsman World 3″ mobile game official website: https://js3.xoyo.com/

Other places where you can find us:

Official WeChat: World of Swordsman 3[jxsj3wx]

Official Weibo: @剑侠世界3手游


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