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Aiming at the quality of talent training

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  Aiming at the quality of talent training, improving cultural performance requirements, and strengthening unified examinations

  Art and Sports Entrance Examination Ushered in a Big Change

A few days ago, the Ministry of Education and other departments issued “Artistic Examination Admissions Opinions” and “High-level Sports Team Examination Admissions Opinions” to make arrangements for the reform of relevant professional examination enrollment. This is to implement the fundamental task of Lide and foster students and promote students’ morality, intelligence, and physical beauty. An important manifestation of the overall development of labor is also an important measure to deepen the reform of education evaluation in the new era, promote a new round of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, ensure the quality of talent training, and promote education equity.

  The integration of five educations to implement the fundamental task of Lide and fostering people

In 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Education Conference that we must strive to build an education system for comprehensive training of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art, and form a higher-level talent training system. The “Overall Plan for Deepening Educational Evaluation Reform in the New Era”, “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Sports Work in the New Era”, “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Aesthetic Education in the New Era” and other series of documents are all for the implementation of legislation. According to the requirements of the fundamental tasks of Deshu people, we strive to cultivate newcomers of the era who will develop in all aspects of morality, intelligence, sports, art and labor, and take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation.

In recent years, although my country’s college admissions for art majors and high-level sports team exams pay attention to the quality of talent selection, the requirements for cultural performance have always been lower than those of ordinary professional candidates. Some candidates and parents have the phenomenon of “emphasizing professionalism and neglecting culture”. , Candidates use this type of examination as a “shortcut” or “stepping stone”, and often apply for the utilitarian test. This has a great impact on the young people’s outlook on life and values, and it also directly affects the level of schooling, the quality of talent training, and the fairness of admission opportunities for college sports and art majors. Therefore, both opinions require the improvement of the basic requirements for cultural performance in the college entrance examination.

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The “Art Examination Admissions Opinions” proposes to gradually guide colleges and universities to improve the cultural performance of the college entrance examination, raise the minimum standard of cultural performance, and explore measures such as preliminary screening of cultural performance to select and cultivate artistic talents with both virtue and art.

“High-level Sports Team Examination Admissions Opinions” requires candidates who apply for “world-class university construction colleges” to reach the minimum control score for undergraduate admission in the province where the student is from, and candidates who apply for other types of colleges and universities have a college entrance examination score of no less than 80% of the minimum control score , Select and train students with comprehensive qualities and a high level of athletics, to provide support for major international sports competitions and the national athletic sports reserve talent training system.

Improving the requirements of cultural examination scores for art and sports majors is to guide students to develop interest and expertise, and at the same time pay more attention to the improvement of academic quality and the development of comprehensive quality, and to build a talent selection and evaluation system that guides students’ comprehensive and individual development. By 2035, the long-term goal of building my country into a cultural power, education power, and sports power will provide talent support.

  Problem-oriented, improve the classified enrollment and admission mechanism

After entering the stage of popularization, the development of higher education needs to meet the diversified needs of economic and social development for all types of talents at all levels, as well as the diversified educational demands of the people. Reflected in the college entrance examination system, it is necessary to standardize the examination enrollment work in response to practical problems, and improve the examination enrollment model of “categorized examination, comprehensive evaluation, and multiple admission”.

“High-level Sports Team Examination Admissions Opinions” addresses the problems of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities in the examination and admissions, such as low entry threshold for second-level athletes, low admission requirements for cultural courses, etc., focusing on deployment and optimization of the scope of enrollment projects and strict application conditions And qualification review, improvement of examination evaluation methods, improvement of cultural performance requirements, and improvement of enrollment and admission mechanisms. In the examination evaluation method, a combination of “cultural examination + professional test” is adopted. The cultural examination results use the national unified college entrance examination and cultural examination results, and all professional tests are included in the national unified examination and organized and implemented by the State Sports General Administration; in the enrollment and admission mechanism On the above, students who have scores of no less than 20 points below the admission score of relevant majors in the admissions colleges and universities in the cultural course of the college entrance examination can apply for the corresponding general majors, and the remaining students are restricted to the physical education majors. In addition, colleges and universities also recruit students with specialties in sports through various channels such as sports training, martial arts and traditional national sports majors, enrollment of other sports majors, and excellent athletes to keep them open.

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The “Art Examination Admissions Opinions” addresses issues such as blindly following the trend of some candidates, unclear positioning of some colleges and universities, and complex and diverse admissions methods. It focuses on “how to position”, “how to test”, “how to admit”, and “how to supervise” a series of reform tasks. . Further improve the “cultural quality + professional ability” examination and evaluation method, use the college entrance examination cultural course test scores for cultural quality, and use the art professional ability test scores for professional ability; according to the requirements of the selection and training of different art professionals, a classified examination will be implemented. The examination methods are classified and the corresponding admission methods are formulated. The implementation of classified examinations and classified admissions has become a highlight of this art examination enrollment reform.

In short, the two documents highlight the problem orientation, focus on solving the problems of quality and fairness in college examinations and enrollment, respond to the interests of colleges, students and society, and further improve the scientificity and fairness of the examination and enrollment system.

  Systematic advancement to improve the quality of talent training in colleges and universities

In the new era, strengthening connotation construction and building a high-quality higher education system have become a strategic task for my country’s higher education development. This requires colleges and universities to coordinate the promotion of talent selection and training, deepen the reform of the talent training model in colleges and universities, strengthen the quality monitoring of the student training process, and improve the quality assurance system of higher education.

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“High-level Sports Team Examination Admissions Opinions” proposes to strengthen the training and management of students after entering the school, establish access and exit mechanisms, and especially strict academic standards. In principle, the academic requirements of high-level sports team students and ordinary students should be consistent. Participate in the sampling of the undergraduate thesis (design). At the same time, colleges and universities can actively create conditions for high-level sports team students to complete their studies without reducing academic standards and ensuring the quality of education and teaching through the credit system, extended school system, personalized teaching, and supplementary lessons.

The “Artistic Examination Admissions Opinions” requires colleges and universities to fully consider the school’s development positioning and talent training standards, gradually increase the admission requirements for cultural courses, and improve the quality of talent training. In recent years, some colleges and universities have blindly expanded the enrollment scale of art majors in pursuit of multi-disciplinary development. However, due to the inaccurate positioning of the school, the enrollment scale and professional settings are out of touch with social needs, and the overall employment quality is not high, which is not conducive to guiding students comprehensively Development is also not conducive to the establishment of a high-quality art talent training system in universities. On the contrary, in recent years, Peking University’s art history major has been admitted based on the college entrance examination and cultural performance. The Renmin University of China has raised the cultural performance requirements for art and design to above the first line, and the quality of talent training has been generally recognized.

Quality is the lifeline of talent training. A high-quality art and sports professional talent training system is an important part of building a high-quality higher education system. Standardizing, improving and perfecting college admissions for art majors and high-level sports team examinations is conducive to promoting the comprehensive and individual development of students, providing talent support for the construction of a strong cultural, sports, and educational country, and high-quality economic and social development Provide assistance.

  (Author: Zhong Binglin, member of the National Education Advisory Committee, professor of Beijing Normal University)


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