Home » Energy crisis: for 55% of Italians it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition towards renewable sources

Energy crisis: for 55% of Italians it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition towards renewable sources

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Energy crisis: for 55% of Italians it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition towards renewable sources

For Italians it is increasingly urgent to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. This is what emerges from the survey “Italians and energy” carried out by Ipsos for Legambiente, Nuova Ecologia and the Kyoto Club, the results of which were presented this morning at the XV QualEnergia Forum in Rome. The National Conference, this year entitled “The response of renewables. Another energy! For the climate, sustainability and peace” saw public administrators, university professors, experts and entrepreneurs in the sector confront each other as well as the presence of Elly Schlein, member of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

The survey “Italians and energy”

Italians are increasingly destabilized and distressed by rising costs. In particular, 64% of the Italians interviewed (2 out of 3) say they are very worried about the energy crisis, above all for the impact it could have on daily expenses (41%), on the onset of a general economic crisis (32% ) or not being able to pay bills/utilities (19%). To counter the high bills, over half of Italians (55%) think it is necessary to accelerate towards the energy transition and only 12% propose to abandon the race and focus on fossil fuels and nuclear power. In fact, despite the fact that Italy is in line with the European average, there is a growing perception that Italy has lagged behind other European countries on the issue of renewables: a thought shared by 54% of Italians against 47% in 2021.

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Nine out of 10 Italians ready to take action to reduce expensive bills

To counter the high bills, thus also making an important contribution to the environment, 89% of Italians say they are willing to do something. 60% think of less use of appliances, light and heating. In general, the active attitude towards savings is growing: replacing household appliances with low-consumption ones and reducing the use of heating in winter are the sustainable behaviors that people are most willing to adopt. On the other hand, the propensity to use forms of sharing mobility is marginal.

Legambiente: push for energy self-production

«The results of the survey – declared the general director of Legambiente, Giorgio Zampetti – if on the one hand they offer us a clear picture of the situation of concern experienced by citizens, families and businesses, on the other hand they show us how much the awareness is growing that the only way to go, to counter the energy crisis, is that of the energy transition towards renewables. The survey leaves no doubts: only 1 out of 5 Italians has doubts on the subject of the energy transaction. It is time to overcome all forms of dependence on fossil fuels and for Italy to speed up the transition to renewables by increasing their development speed tenfold, pushing towards energy self-production, simplifying the authorization procedures and updating the legislation”.

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