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New crown, cold and flu risks superimposed CCTV health lecture tells you how to deal with it? | Influenza | Cold | Disease_Sina News

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New crown, cold and flu risks superimposed CCTV health lecture tells you how to deal with it? | Influenza | Cold | Disease_Sina News


  Red Net Moment News, February 28th(Reporter Zhou Man, intern Yang Shengnan) Spring is coming, cold and warm alternately, respiratory diseases such as colds and flus occur frequently, and the new coronavirus is still mutating. At present, when the risks of various respiratory diseases are superimposed, in order to improve the public’s awareness of prevention and help the public To master the prevention and treatment knowledge of the new crown, cold and flu, on February 24, “Know the cold and prevent the flu” public science popularization public welfare trip-CCTV Health Lecture National Public Welfare Lecture Activity, at the Yiling Pharmaceutical and Ordinary Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd. With the support of public welfare, it opened at the first stop in Changsha.

At the event site, Professor Jiang Yongliang, director of the Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, focused on topics of real concern to the public, such as “the risk of new crown, cold and flu superimposed, how should we deal with it?” From the perspectives of the difference from flu, the prevention and treatment of different types of respiratory diseases, etc., the audience was given a systematic lecture on new crowns, colds and flu, and answered questions for online and offline audiences, and the on-site response was enthusiastic.

Activity site

Professor Jiang Yongliang explained in detail how the cold virus breaks through the layers of the body’s barriers and induces infection, and then the body shows different degrees of symptoms, and reminded patients, especially high-risk groups, that they should use relevant anti-inflammatory drugs after confirming that they have upper respiratory tract infection. Knowledge can judge the disease type in time, pay attention to the course of the disease, and apply medicine or seek medical treatment when necessary. Otherwise, if it is not treated and controlled in time, it is easy to cause different types of complications, such as pneumonia and viral myocarditis. Through games, interactions, and Q&A on the spot, authoritative answers were given to basic knowledge about respiratory diseases such as colds, flu, and new crown infections.

Jiang Yongliang, director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, popularized science for everyone

China Central Radio and Television’s Agricultural and Rural Program Center, Yiluyouyou, and CCTV’s Sannong all-media platform broadcast the event live. During the live broadcast, many netizens posted barrage, saying that they learned a lot of popular science knowledge through the live broadcast: “Flu is really not a small cold, it is much more serious than a cold.” “It turns out that a cold is also called an upper respiratory tract infection. About 90% of colds It is caused by a virus.” “Viral colds require antiviral cold medicines, such as Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, which can cure colds and fight flu, and are very effective in treating symptoms such as fever, nasal congestion, headache, and runny nose. It can also be used to treat symptoms related to COVID-19 infection.”

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At the live broadcast, Wang Li, President of the People’s Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., said that the People’s Pharmacy has always adhered to the original intention and commitment of “everything for the people”, providing professional and warm health services for hundreds of millions of people, and helping patients spend less money and buy the right ones. medicine. Ji Zhenqiang, General Manager of the Retail Department of Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. also delivered a speech, hoping that through continuous science popularization activities, more diverse respiratory health knowledge will be sent to the community to help the public improve their disease awareness and enhance their awareness of prevention and control. Moreover, we hope to fulfill corporate social responsibility through actions, bring beneficial health knowledge to more consumers, and protect the health of ordinary people.

“Knowing Colds and Preventing Flu” National Public Welfare Tour of Popular Science-CCTV Health Lecture National Public Welfare Lecture Tour will be held in ten provinces and cities across the country in succession. Doctors and experts will be joined together to comprehensively and systematically promote popular science education for public welfare activities, and present them to the public in a more easy-to-understand way Provide correct prevention methods and treatment measures for respiratory infectious diseases such as colds and flu, and continuously improve the national level of respiratory health knowledge.

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