Home » Simone Fasan was upset, he had tried to kill himself as soon as he learned of the tragedy

Simone Fasan was upset, he had tried to kill himself as soon as he learned of the tragedy

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Serena Fabian’s uncle threw himself from the “suicide bridge” over the Lastego in Crespano. A friend: “I never knew he had problems with depression”

CASTELFRANCO. «Simone was a very good person, calm, perhaps a little shy: but we never agreed that he had any difficulties at a psychiatric level». Speaking is a friend who knew Simone Fasan well, Serena Fasan’s 55-year-old uncle, who took his own life a few hours after his niece’s death: he lived in Via Busa in Salvatronda with his mother Assunta, close to other relatives. A decorator by profession, until recently he had worked in his brother’s company active in the construction sector. By the time he retired, he had started working on his own.

«The news of his tragic death surprised all his friends: we never, ever perceived the drama that was brewing inside him and that he had managed to conceal. He certainly had a good relationship with his niece, at least from what he told us ». Perhaps, given her profession as a pharmacist, Serena was a few people who might have known about her ailment. Simone Fasan does not appear to be followed, neither today nor in the past by the psychiatric services of the Asolo district of the Ulss 2. No statement comes from the relatives who lived near him and who today are experiencing a double tragedy.

Even in the hamlet of Salvarosa the mouths are sewn, even if the Fasan family is well known. “We can’t get over the fact that, as it seems, he had already attempted to take his own life in the same hours that Serena’s death was discovered. Perhaps the attention was too focused on what had happened in Castelfranco and one could not imagine that soon after he would try again. Unfortunately this is what happened ».

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