Home » Tax reform: the government draft

Tax reform: the government draft

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On the Tax Office, in the aftermath of the electoral blow, yet another clash takes place within the government majority with the Salvini League that deserted the council of ministers by not taking part in the vote on the proxy law wanted by Prime Minister Mario Draghi. «The reasons for the absence will be explained to us by Mr Salvini» says the premier at the end of the Council after confirming that «with the reform of the land registry no one will pay more. The average taxpayer will not notice anything because current annuities remain unchanged. The target system does not intend to increase the overall revenue but to decrease it, because today it is out of line with other countries ».

Too little, evidently, for Salvini who, after the flop in Milan, tries to recover consensus among his electoral base: «I do not vote for the tax delegation because it does not contain what was in the agreements. The ministers of the League cannot have it in hand at 1.30 pm for a meeting at 2.00 pm It is not the horoscope, it is not possible to have half an hour to analyze the future of the Italians. There is something to change in the operating mode ».

Draghi: “League absent in the Council of Ministers? Salvini will explain it to us”

Yet Draghi clearly explained that the enabling law defines the contours of the rules, but then it is up to Parliament to go into details: “There are 18 months to implement a reform on which the Chambers will have the last word.” A rule consisting of ten articles with the aim of stimulating economic growth by increasing the efficiency of the taxation system. They range from the gradual overcoming of the IRAP to a revision of the IRPEF, from interventions on the rules of the land registry to the rationalization of VAT. Eliminating microtributes, preserving the progressiveness of the tax system, reducing tax evasion and avoidance are some of the problems to be solved. In the draft there is also a reorganization of the system of deductions and deductions. Then the modernization of the land registry, at the center of the League’s controversy.

And for this Salvini returns to the attack: «Our ministers told me that in the corridor all the other ministers said ‘you are right’. Then inside out of hypocrisy he bends his head and raises his hand. We do not bow our heads when the house and the savings of the Italians are involved. There is a hypothesis of a tax increase that the League does not endorse ». The leader of the League, then, tries not to further fuel the controversy: «It is not a tear or a government crisis. There is an executive who must make it clear that it is not the time to raise taxes ». And according to Salvini in the fiscal delegation, “an increase from 15 to 23% of the mini flat tax is hypothesized, which has given respite to hundreds of thousands of VAT numbers. And the excess of Irap is absolutely generic ».

Giorgio Meloni sided alongside Salvini who during the recording of Porta a Porta on Rai1 said: “I think Salvini is right not to vote for a blank proxy, also because in Parliament the center-left is much stronger in numbers and it tends to prevail and on the part of the Draghi government there seems to be a certain inclination ». Mara Carfagna replied dryly: «The text of the tax delegation is clear, we at Forza Italia approved it with conviction: the reformulation of the land registry cannot have consequences on taxation. We are the party that abolished the IMU, we would never have said yes if there was a risk for the house ».

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The reply of Enrico Letta, secretary of the newly elected Pd to the substitutes in the Siena college is very harsh: “The tax reform is a fundamental part of the government program, it serves to have the money of the pnrr, to have a more simplified tax system, it is not a small What. The tear of the League is serious, very serious and frankly incomprehensible. We ask Prime Minister Draghi to go forward ». For the former premier Giuseppe Conte “it is serious that the League has deserted the CDM”.

The IRPEF reform

“Our tax system was designed 50 years ago, in the early ’70s, after which there have been many innovations, but the plan must be updated” explained the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco who then added: “The reform is an opportunity towards a system that is more efficient and less distortive. To reduce the rates, the recovery of tax evasion is essential. Every year 100 billion euros are evaded ».

In particular, the additional personal income tax will be replaced by a surcharge, so that regions and municipalities obtain the same revenue. In the text there are clarifications regarding the regions subject to repayment plans for health deficits. A mandatory increase in the surtax is foreseen, calculated in order to guarantee the same revenue currently obtained from the application of the regional additional rates to personal income tax increased to the obligatory extent. And speaking of taxes, the Ministry of Economy reports that in the period January-August 2021 the tax revenues ascertained on the basis of the criterion of legal competence amounted to 302,180 million euros, marking an increase of 30,614 million euros compared to the same period. of the year 2020 (+ 11.3%).

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The land registry
The intervention establishes “a modification to the cadastral survey system to modernize the tools for identifying and controlling the consistency of land and buildings”. Provide tools, that is, at the disposal of the municipalities and the Revenue Agency, to facilitate the classification of properties. Such as those not registered or that do not respect the real consistency, the intended use or the cadastral category. Furthermore, the reorganization of the telematic sharing tools between the Revenue Agency and the Municipalities is envisaged. The tax delegation then contains the revision of the VAT rate and the objective of progressively reducing the average rates of personal income tax.

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