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The mail of the number 1491

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The mail of the number 1491

resist **
**with the forest

◆ The words of Eliane Brum (Internazionale 1490) are a breath of fresh air who, while our world of contradictions is crumbling, finds the strength of humanity in the primordial will to live. For it to flourish again with nature, for life on Earth to be everyone’s right and responsibility. Knowing how to inspire, after all, is already change.
Simone Tamanini
_◆ I think that countries like Brazil should be compensated if they stop exploiting territories of planetary importance such as the Amazon and give up the profits they would derive from it. Only then can wild deforestation be reversed.
Mariella Licata_

◆ I would like to point out that the phrase “Never forget your past” is not trivially “painted on a wall”, as can be read in the text of the portfolio on page 74 (Internazionale 1489). The phrase is found at the entrance to the Buzludzha monument, an abandoned monument/congress center of the Bulgarian Communist Party. I think this clarification helps to better understand the work of the photographer and the search for contrasts between past and present.

We are prisoners
of geography?

◆ Regardless of the role of geography at the origin of the conflicts, it must be noted that the number of civilian victims is always greater, despite the technological progress which should instead limit them (International 1489). Even with regard to the Russian aggressor, Javier Blas underlines in the same issue how it is easier for the West to send arms than to apply effective economic measures, which would put its own governments in difficulty. The same hypocrisy is revealed in the support for Erdoğan “turning a blind eye to the aggressive behavior of the regime inside and outside Turkey”, including “military operations against the Kurds”. Those people from which the protest in Iran started and which we support in words, as Cengiz Aktar explains.
Daniel Baldisserri

[email protected]

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