Home » Ukraine, Draghi does not rule out sending new weapons: “The EU will decide”

Ukraine, Draghi does not rule out sending new weapons: “The EU will decide”

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Ukraine, Draghi does not rule out sending new weapons: “The EU will decide”

The change at the top of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, with the M5s excluded from the presidency, caused tensions to explode in the majority. Giuseppe Conte went up on the barricades for the “mugging” against the 5 stars, thundering against the center-right and IV and directly brought into question Prime Minister Mario Draghi. An all against all that Palazzo Chigi has not commented in any way, but which brings winds of crisis. The no to a further dispatch of weapons to Kiev is a position that sees – in part – the same line of M5s and Lega. But Prime Minister Draghi’s line is different: Italy wants to “help Ukraine to defend itself” and will continue to do so “when necessary. In this the Europeans are all together “and we” are loyal members of the Union “.

Craxi: Atlanticism without exceptions or subordination

The newly elected president of the Senate Foreign Affairs Commission, Stefania Craxi, also made a profession of Atlantic faith, who declared: “The foreign policy of a great country like Italy, for cultural and value reasons, even before historical and geopolitical reasons, cannot fail have clear Atlantic connotations, an Atlanticism of reason that does not admit exceptions but does not accept subordination “

Draghi’s disclosure to the Chambers

On the issue of the war in Ukraine, the premier should return in more detail in the information to the Chamber and the Senate on May 19: a broad speech, which will focus on the commitment to peace (already during the day he stressed that they should not be interrupted diplomatic channels), but which will affect all the facets and consequences of the war in Ukraine: from the sanctions decided with European partners, to the risk of a far-reaching food crisis for the poorest countries.

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The divisions in the majority

The dossiers on which the majority is split in the meantime, however, are increasing day by day. They range from the tug-of-war over weapons to the battle against the Rome waste-to-energy plant, up to the seaside resorts on which an agreement has not yet been found. And one wonders how far Conte will go, if he will really try to pull the plug on the government and, possibly, how many elected pentastellati would follow him.

The agenda of Alternative on arms was rejected

To date, the numbers hold, with the confidence voted both in the House (on the Ukraine bis law decree) and in the Senate (on the reopening dl). Not only. The majority of the deputies, including the M5s, rejected an agenda presented by Alternativa to commit the government to “evaluate the possibility of suspending the concession or any act of authorization for the export of means, materials, military equipment and lethal weapons “.

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