Home » What’s wrong with your body?You will know when the sequelae come and pass (Figure) Traditional Chinese Medicine | Headache | Nose | Throat | Epidemic | Virus |

What’s wrong with your body?You will know when the sequelae come and pass (Figure) Traditional Chinese Medicine | Headache | Nose | Throat | Epidemic | Virus |

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What’s wrong with your body?You will know when the sequelae come and pass (Figure) Traditional Chinese Medicine | Headache | Nose | Throat | Epidemic | Virus |

People with severe headaches are mostly those who often stay up late and consume liver yin. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

three yearsepidemic, There are many people infected with the epidemic. Once the zero-clearing policy was released in mainland China, the epidemic spread rapidly and suffered everywhere. I believe that many people have already been hit by the trick. It is not a common cold, and everyone has expressed that they are particularly uncomfortable and painful.many people describeHeadacheLike a craniotomy without anesthesia,noseStuffed like cement to the nostrils,voiceIt hurts more like swallowing a razor blade, etc. Although it may be exaggerated, everyone who has experienced it can empathize with it. Those who have not been recruited can also see that the relatives and friends infected with the epidemic are indeed very uncomfortable, and there are all kinds of terrible things.SequelaeAppear.

The sequelae of the new crown “long new crown”

After recovering from COVID-19, many patients still have symptoms of “Long COVID” such as wheezing, easy fatigue, and muscle soreness. This is the chronic sequela after Yang recovers, and the World Health Organization defines it according to the 321 principle.

3: Occurred within 3 months after infection; 2: Symptoms persisted for more than 2 months; 1: Cannot be ruled out by other diagnoses, symptoms may persist for as long as 1 year.

The research of the well-known journal “EClinical Medicine” pointed out that after Yang becomes positive, 10 organ systems of the human body will be affected. The sequelae of patients’ reactions have a total of 203 symptoms. Some symptoms occur more frequently and can be simply classified into four categories.

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1. Nervous symptoms: anxiety, depression, insomnia, brain fog, etc. (inattention/cognitive dysfunction).

2. Gastrointestinal symptoms: gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.

3. Respiratory symptoms: asthma, chest tightness, chest pain, cough, dyspnea, etc.

4. Other symptoms: muscle soreness, arrhythmia, nocturia, urticaria, multi-system inflammatory syndrome, etc.

Among the sequelae left by the new coronary pneumonia, one that has received much attention is the damage to the human nervous system caused by the virus, causing a series of mental abnormalities.

According to Zheng Shengyun, an attending physician in general psychiatry at the Songde Branch of Taipei United Hospital, there have been some patients with “schizophrenia-like” clinical outpatients in the past six months. These patients were originally normal people and had never suffered from mental illness. Within days to weeks of diagnosis, very obvious symptoms of stupor and delusions appeared. Remind patients not to ignore any sequelae.

Symptoms of infection usually indicate a physical problem

However, not everyone has so many symptoms. The symptoms and illnesses of each person, as well as the number of days of infection, recovery status, sequelae, etc. are also different. Why is this?

The body is warning people through the “yang” this time. After being infected with the virus, the weakest part of the patient is the first to attack. So, what problems do these distressing symptoms usually indicate in the body? From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the symptoms of epidemic infection are closely related to human immunity. From the symptoms, we can see what problems have occurred in the patient’s body.

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1. Headache

People with severe headaches usually stay up all night, and those who consume liver yin will have deficiency fire, which will reach the head along the liver meridian, burn the meridian and cause headache. Patients with this symptom are usually easy to get angry, and the swelling on both sides of the tongue is particularly obvious. When recuperating, we should start with the liver.

2. Nasal congestion

The nasal congestion is very obvious. It feels like the nose is covered with cement, and the sense of smell is also lost. I can’t taste the taste of food. Most of such people have a deficiency of lung qi, and they often catch colds or have rhinitis. The lungs open to the nose, and at the same time, the lungs govern the fur.

3. Sore throat

There are many people with sore throats, as if there is a razor blade in their throats, and it hurts even to swallow saliva. In most patients, the heat in the lung and stomach is relatively strong, and the throat is the portal of the lung and stomach. When the fire in the lung and stomach is strong, it goes up along the meridians and burns the throat, and throat swelling and pain will appear. Patients often have tonsil inflammation, suppuration, or I have chronic pharyngitis, and my throat is often uncomfortable.

4. Low back pain when you have a fever

When some people have a fever, their waists hurt very much, the pain is so painful that they almost break, and even the bones hurt. Most of these people have insufficient kidney qi. The so-called “the waist is the house of the kidney” means that the waist is the residence of the kidney, so when the kidney qi is deficient, the waist cannot be nourished, and people with kidney deficiency often suffer from low back pain.

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5. Muscle soreness all over the body

Muscle soreness all over the body is also very common, most of which are due to insufficient spleen yang and severe cold and dampness. The main function of yang in the human body is to warm the spleen. Deficiency of the spleen produces dampness. At the same time, the spleen governs the muscles of the limbs. Cold dampness flows in the muscles, hindering the normal operation of qi and blood, and you will feel sore muscles all over the body.

Source: Watch China

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