Home » Collection, the quater scrapping of tax bills will take place

Collection, the quater scrapping of tax bills will take place

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Collection, the quater scrapping of tax bills will take place

To say it is the Revenue Agency, on whose website FAQs have been published which explain how it will be necessary to proceed with the measure

The scrapping quat it will be done and apparently it will be in record time. To say it is theRevenue agencyon whose website FAQs have been published explaining how it will be necessary to proceed with the measure.

balance and excerpt

The site speaks of balance and excerpt, in which theAder (ex Equitalia) will play a key role. This will take into account the cancellation of debts under 1000 euros, even in the case of scrapping requests presented before the March 31, 2023 (the milestone date shown so far). Since yesterday, in fact, it is possible to request the removal of one’s tax collection file, having as the deadline within which to submit an application set for the next April 30th. To make the request, simply log in to yours restricted area of the Ader site or obtain the documentation from the public section of the site. In the first case, the applications will be directly acquired, in the second they must be validated by next 72 through a link which will come from the same agencies.

Balance and deduction automatically considered

Furthermore, when a taxpayer presents the application for membership before the cancellation of loads under 1,000 euros envisaged with the balance and excerpt of next March 31stthe response communication from the revenue agency will also take into account the cancellation determined by it second amnesty. The effect of the cancellation is guaranteed even in the case of loads potentially voidable present within the “ter” scrapping plans in progress in the event of adherence to the “quater”.

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