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“The war in Ukraine has awakened the West. The bad guys exist: it’s ridiculous to deny it”

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“The war in Ukraine has awakened the West. The bad guys exist: it’s ridiculous to deny it”

Professor, multiple signs indicate an awakening of the West in the reaction to Putin’s aggression against Ukraine: there are those who were surprised, perhaps the Russian autocrat himself. Did she expect it? “Of course, if the European Union, NATO and the United States wanted to commit suicide, this was the opportunity – warns tranchant one of the most authoritative Italian historians and columnists, Ernesto Galli della Loggia -. I mean that the Russian move was like this serious that it was impossible not to do what you are doing, unless you completely lose the sense of your political existence. So, it is true, there has been a reawakening, an acknowledgment that there are certain categories that seemed obsolete and that they have become very topical again, but this awakening is decisively due to the enormity of the provocation “. Putin carries on the nuclear threat: missile forces and naval fleets on alert In short, a necessary awakening rather than a ‘return of history’? “Yes, so much so that the question we have to ask ourselves is: is it a definitive turning point, which wants to remedy the errors or the past criticalities and superficialities, or not?”. What do you answer? “I have my doubts, I confess. There is a great actor on the world stage who continues to do what Putin does, but in a softer way: China. It applies a criterion of ruthless political domination in Tibet or with the Uighurs . It canceled Hong Kong’s autonomy. But the West did not lift a finger, primarily for economic reasons. Therefore, a true ethical-political awakening should be erga omnes, at 360 degrees. But this is not the case. Also because it would imply the radical rethinking of many cultural and ideological categories that dominate our public opinions “. Which categories does it refer to? “We have completely erased from our widespread political culture that there are bad guys in the world. The slogan” no to war, no to all …

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