Home » Israel made a beautiful “mistake” (photo) | Cao Changqing Israel | Palestine | Hamas | Contend

Israel made a beautiful “mistake” (photo) | Cao Changqing Israel | Palestine | Hamas | Contend

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On May 12, 2021, Israel targeted the residences of senior Hamas members (Photo credit: SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images)

[Look at China June 11, 2021]The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has once again become world news.stand byIsraelOne side emphasizedHamasIt is the terrorists who fired rockets to Israel first; Israel’s counterattack is a legitimate defense.The side that supports Hamas emphasizes the Israeli occupationPalestineThe land is the colonizer; Hamas represents the weak, and they stand on the side of the egg between the egg and the high wall. In the United States, Republicans mostly support Israel, and the left-wing Democrats mostly support Palestine.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict involves history, geopolitics, terrorism, and confrontation between the left and the right in the West. It is not judged by which side is strong and which is weak, but by “right and wrong, right and wrong”.

First of all, the root cause of the conflict is that Israel was invaded by five neighboring Arab countries (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq) and Palestinian guerrillas on the second day of its founding in accordance with the United Nations resolution in 1948. The population of these five countries is 70 times that of Israel! They want to strangle the newborn country of Israel in its infancy, just as Iranian President Ahmadinejad later declared that they want to wipe Israel from the earth. The Israelites were all soldiers and the same enemy. They defeated the invaders and kept their homeland; they took advantage of the victory to occupy the land of the surrounding invading countries. Israel’s occupation of the land was caused by these invaders and the price of their military invasion of other countries! Assuming that Israel is not so tenacious, it may be destroyed by these Arab countries, so no matter how much land Israel occupies in victory, the fault lies with the first invaders. They are the source of disaster!

Arafat and Hamas are the source of disaster

Secondly, if Israel never returns these occupied lands, there are moral reasons for it, because it is the Arab countries that have jointly bullied the small and blatantly invaded the sovereign state established with the consent of the United Nations resolution. The joint invasion of these five Arab countries and the Palestinian guerrillas should pay a price, because many Israelis lost their lives in this battle to defend their homeland. However, Israel proposes “land for peace”, that is, neighboring countries recognize Israel’s existence and allow Israel to survive, and they return the occupied land. What a low request (request). How can the world tolerate a group of people who have to join hands to wipe a sovereign country from the earth?

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Egypt was the first to grant diplomatic recognition, and Israel returned the occupied Sinai Peninsula to Egypt; Jordan followed up, and Israel also returned the West Bank; Israel said that if Syria did the same, they would return the occupied Golan Heights. But it was rejected by Syria, so the Golan Heights is still under Israeli control. This height is of great significance to Israel’s security. If Syria does not promise, Israel unilaterally refunds it, and Syria will gain a strategic advantage if it invades again in the future. Therefore, Israel’s refusal to return some land is the result of the invaders’ denial of Israel’s right to exist. This responsibility lies in those Arab countries, not in Israel.

As for Palestine, the 1947 UN resolution not only approved Israel to establish a state, but also agreed with Palestine to establish a state, but it did not establish it and was busy invading Israel with five Arab countries. Therefore, Palestine did not establish a state, and the responsibility lies with itself. Subsequently, the Palestinian guerrillas cooperated with Arab countries to invade or prepared to invade Israel (preemptively prevented by Israel); it did not establish a state, and some of its land was acquired and managed by Israel due to invasion and other reasons, and the proportion of residents there was also Changes. More than 70 years have passed since the United Nations resolution in 1947, and the status of the residents of those lands has undergone tremendous changes. Now it is impossible and difficult for Israel to return all the land delineated in 1947 or 70 years ago to Palestine (for state building). Some people will say that this is unreasonable, but this is unreasonable. The main responsibility lies with Palestine, especially its terrorist leader Arafat. When he was in power, he mainly carried out terrorist activities and even planned the murder of Israeli athletes participating in the Olympic Games. It was extremely cruel. The tragic situation of the Palestinian people is mainly responsible for Arafat, the Palestine Liberation Organization (the “martyr brigade” specializes in terrorist activities under it), and Hamas, they are the source of war!

In the contest between democracy and autocracy, which side do you choose?

Third, it is obvious and often avoided by leftists and Arab media that Israel is a democratic country with a multi-party system (30 political parties participated in the last general election). The surrounding Arab countries, including Palestine, have long been dictatorships; for more than half a century, the 22 member states of the Arab League were all dictatorships. It was not until the baptism of the democratic wave in the Arab Spring a few years ago that some countries Towards popular elections. Israel is a democratic system, with opposition parties and freedom of press and speech. Therefore, any actions and policies of the ruling party are subject to supervision and restriction. Including legitimate defense against invaders, military resistance, etc. This gives Hamas and other terrorists an opportunity. Imagine that if Israel is also an authoritarian country, Hamas will not dare to act rashly, because the other side will use their methods to violently attack and retaliate. Israel’s elite soldiers will beat Hamas to the utmost, killing a piece of armor. Today Israel’s battle is difficult to fight because of its humanitarian concerns and its unwillingness to cause more Palestinian civilian casualties. Democracy is like a gentleman who does nothing; despotism is a villain and a villain who do whatever they want. Therefore, to evaluate the Palestine-Israel conflict, one must look at which side is autocracy and which side is democracy. In the contest between autocracy and democracy, which side should you stand on? Just like a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, do you stand on the side of a democratic Taiwan, or acquiesce in authoritarian China’s armed force to violate Taiwan? The answer is self-evident.

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Israel made a beautiful mistake

Fourth, Hamas has only more than 20,000 people, while Israel has a strong military. So no matter how Hamas first attacked Israel and attacked civilians with suicide bombs, as long as Israel counterattacked, it would be slandered by the Western leftists and the Islamic world as “bullying the weak with the strong.” In particular, it caused Palestinian civilian casualties during the counterattack and was even more affected by the left media. And the authoritarian media in the Arab world. But what the left media did not mention is that Hamas arranged the rockets to be launched in Palestinian residential areas. The Prime Minister of Israel said that we are the people’s iron and bronze wall to defend the people; Hamas hides behind its own people, and the people have become their shield and “wall of flesh”. From this alone, we can see which side is the humanity and which side is the beast.

As mentioned earlier, if Israel is an authoritarian country and is as unscrupulous as Hamas, this battle will be too easy to fight; you can counterattack without any scruples, and the opponent Hamas will be vulnerable to a blow and be bombed. A. And Western leftists will not make a big fuss about this, because they dare not offend the dictator. For example, the Iran-Iraq War (both authoritarian countries: Iran and Iraq) has been fought for eight years, with numerous casualties and quite tragic, but the Western leftists ignore it, let alone make a fuss about it. Because both sides are evil, the leftists dare not offend. It is also difficult to stand on the moral high ground, and cannot be a “virgin bitch.” In the face of democratic Israel, they can sing “We are on the side of the weak, and we support the egg against the high wall” with high morals and a political show. Showcasing and hypocrisy are the evil deeds that the leftists struggle hardest, and they are also the most important signs.

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In fact, without the support of Western Leftists, the Hamas in Palestine would never dare to be so arrogant, because they knew that once war broke out, the White Left would march and demonstrate, chanting support for Palestine and protesting against Israel. They not only received the support of public opinion from the Western leftists, but also military assistance from the US leftist government. Obama provided a large amount of U.S. dollar assistance to Hamas when he was in power. In this protracted Palestinian-Israeli conflict, if Israel is wrong, from an ironically speaking point of view, it is because Israel has chosen a democratic path and is a democratically elected country; if Israel is also dictatorial and unscrupulous like most Arab countries, it will be swallowed by predators. Little evil, they have wiped out the Hamas long ago. In this sense, Israel made a beautiful mistake.

(The article only represents the author’s personal position and opinions)

Source: “Kan” magazine

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