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Head clear for important things – thanks to checklists for Confluence and Jira Cloud

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Head clear for important things – thanks to checklists for Confluence and Jira Cloud

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Do colleagues meet in your company for yoga during the lunch break or after work? Have you noticed that someone in your circle of friends seems much more positive after spending two weeks in a monastery and changing their lifestyle? Or have you ever attended a course or other offer yourself that was about how to get the stress out of your life and how you can take better care of yourself and your needs?

The trend word “mindfulness” is on everyone’s lips and has also penetrated into the realms of business. Many large companies promote the mindfulness and mental health of their employees with various offers, such as Intel or SAP. Companies that take such measures have recognized one of the greatest threats in the current working world and are trying to counteract it with such offers. We are talking about being overwhelmed, which in the worst case can lead to burnout.

As a person in a decision-making and/or managerial position, it is therefore important to mobilize all resources to support employees in the workplace and to protect them from constant excessive demands. But as everywhere else, there are several ways to reach your goal. And apart from a certain degree of mindfulness, it doesn’t even take much: A good start can be made with the use of checklists!

Checklists: Everything at a glance and in one place

Checklists are as simple as they are effective. And each person is able to use them! Why should you use up your valuable mental capacities every day when you can easily record individual process steps with a checklist? Of course, the same applies to pretty much all employees in your company: Make their working life easier by providing them with standardized checklists that they can work through in a concentrated manner.

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Checklists for Confluence

It’s 2023, so it’s unlikely that you’ll hand out handwritten checklists to all of your employees. So why not use checklists where you do your work every day anyway – namely in your Atlassian ecosystem? With our app Checklists for Confluence you can save a lot of time and nerves! So you can create customized checklists, turn them into templates for repetitive tasks and projects, and clear your mind. How exactly does this work? We will show you below.

Every beginning is… easy!

After using the app for Confluence and or Yes installed, you can already get started: Search for the macro on any Confluence page. You will be presented with the following three options:

Checklist: This allows you to create a new checklist. It is a kind of “disposable checklist” for one-time processes. If you want to use this checklist again and again, you can turn it into a checklist template using the three-point menu.

Checklist button: This basically adds a button to the page. As soon as you click on this macro, you will be presented with a list of your checklist templates. Select one to associate with this button. At the end there is a button on your Confluence page which, when clicked, immediately takes you to a new window with a new checklist (based on the checklist template).

Checklist for page templates: This inserts a checklist template into a Confluence page template. If you create a new page from the Confluence page template, a new checklist (based on the checklist template) is always created as well. Pretty handy!

Get the most out of your checklists!

No matter where you are in the creation process, you can add a checkbox, yes/no status, heading, or section for additional notes. This allows you to structure and arrange the list in a way that suits you best. As you gradually tick off individual tasks on your checklist, those items will automatically move down to the Done section. So you always have clarity about what you still have to do – and you can watch as your “to-dos” become fewer and fewer. A rewarding feeling!

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Four Weddings and a Checklist

Checklists come in all shapes and colors. And they can be used in a variety of places and for different occasions. For example in gastronomy, where they z. B. Make the procedures and processes clear to inexperienced employees. But they can also be of help to experienced employees by enabling them – based on the list – to concentrate on the essentials and to uphold the quality of their work and their own standards. In principle, you can use checklists to significantly reduce your stress level, because you no longer have to have every single step in your head – especially with processes that only occur from time to time and have therefore not yet become second nature. In this way, many mistakes can be avoided.

However, there are also occasions when nothing can and must not go wrong. A wedding is such a one-off occasion, where everything should go smoothly right away, otherwise there could be bitter disappointments and tears. Mistakes, mistakes and mishaps are unforgivable there: After all, it is one of the most important moments in the life of the bridal couple, which is usually witnessed by the eyes of many guests. Good preparation and implementation is of the utmost importance there. And this is where checklists really come into their own!

But why stop at weddings? Checklists can help in numerous other use cases, both in Confluence and in Jira. That’s why we at Seibert Media also use checklists – e.g. B. to ensure that procedures are correctly followed. For example, our English content team uses the following checklist:

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Looking for inspiration?

Do you need to create a checklist but don’t really know where to start? Let yourself go Checklists for Confluence help! Thanks to artificial intelligence, the app can give you various suggestions for your checklist and thus relieve you of some of the work. Here you can see the AI ​​in action:

Systematically ban mistakes from your work!

Checklists are used in all sorts of industries, from aviation to medicine, and have proven their worth. Do the check: try our cloud apps Checklists for Confluence and Checklists for Jira out of! Make repeat mistakes in your business a thing of the past. And above all: protect your employees from cognitive overload – almost incidentally!

Additional information

Check! How checklists can make life easier for you and your team
More discipline for teams and organizations: How checklists promote reliability and quality
What really costs time and money if your team doesn’t think about it? – The potential of good checklists (podcast)
Which checklist types teams use and what they expect from checklist tools (Spoiler: Atlassian integration)

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