Home Ā» After withdrawing from the biscuit group: Verena Bahlsen talks about time off

After withdrawing from the biscuit group: Verena Bahlsen talks about time off

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After withdrawing from the biscuit group: Verena Bahlsen talks about time off

Verena Bahlsen
Tobias Wirth/Association of German Women Entrepreneurs

Verena Bahlsen, heiress to the Bahlsen biscuit company, has revealed her new career plans on LinkedIn six months after retiring from the family business.

After a self-imposed sabbatical spent in the Alps, she returned to her passion for marketing and began working with old colleagues on various projects.

She also announced that she and her team would now offer bespoke branding work.

Verena Bahlsen, the heiress of the famous Bahlsen biscuit group, withdrew from the family business six months ago and an emotional one at that Post on Linkedin posted. Since then things have been quiet around her, but now Bahlsen has given an update on LinkedIn about her time off and her professional career.

Bahlsen announced in autumn 2022 that he wanted to take a break to focus on himself. Now she explains that she went to the Alps and rented an Airbnb in a small village there. But she lacked the adrenaline from her previous life. It was lonely, boring, confusing and all in all uncomfortable, she wrote.

Old passion rediscovered

After a while, Bahlsen turned to her passion again – building brands. She is in contact with old colleagues and worked together with them on various projects. Among them her mentor, a brand designer and a web developer friend.

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In her post on LinkedIn, Bahlsen announced that she and her new team are now offering bespoke branding for those who don’t want to hire a large agency. She emphasizes that they rely on authenticity and individuality to create brands that truly reflect the people who lead them.

Bahlsen seems to have used her time off to reorient herself and rediscover her passion after having little luck running the biscuit company.

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