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Memory loss in old age, multivitamin can slow it |

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Memory loss in old age, multivitamin can slow it |

Flavanol deficiency is implicated in age-related memory loss, according to a new study.

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Pnas, the adoption of a epicatechin multivitamin would have the effect of nullifying the shortage of flavonol antioxidants (contained in fruit and vegetables), associated with memory loss in old age.

The research data, signed by a team of scientists from Columbia University he was born in Brigham and Women’s Hospital di Harvardshow the ability of multivitamin supplementation to improve scores on tests designed to detect memory loss due to normal aging.
It also emerged that the protective action performed by flavonols is greater in people who follow a poorer quality diet.


The study involved 3,500 healthy elderly people randomly selected to receive a daily flavanol supplement (in pills) or a placebo for three years. The active supplement contained 500 mg of flavanols, including 80 mg of epicatechins, an amount that adults should get in their diet.

Scores improved only slightly in the group of older adults already eating a healthy diet, but in the group of subjects eating a low-flavanol diet, scores increased by an average of 10.5% compared to placebo, and by 16% compared to entry scores. The physiological loss of memory that occurs from a certain age can therefore be slowed down with specific supplementation.

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